4 Pro Tips to Enhance Your Writing Skills

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If you want to improve your writing skills, follow these four tips and achieve perfection in your writing.

Learning some killer tips to enhance your writing skills is not as challenging as you may think. Some students often get stuck with writing a tailor-made essay, whereas others struggle to complete SWOT and PESTEL analysis.

Although doing a custom PESTEL analysis like Jeri Caldwell is a hard nut to crack, but you need to follow some fantastic tips.

Whether it is academic or non-academic work, following these crucial tips will help you make a dramatic improvement in your writing.

In order to become a better writer, you need regular practice. Follow these tips:


  • Avoid over-explaining everything


Improving writing involves you to put yourself in your readers' shoes.  If you start your paper on time, you can keep all the things simple.

Your primary purpose in writing an essay is to give readers an overview of what you are communicating. Therefore, you need to get rid of all the trivial details.


  • Remove all the filler words


There are certain words in our writing that do not contribute to stating your points. Although these words sometimes add flavor to your content, they are often nothing more than clutter.


  • Use simple words


One of the top-selling authors, John Grisham, once said that there are three types of words. These are:

  • Words we are already familiar with
  • Words we need to know
  • Words no one knows

He then suggested that we should avoid using the third category of words. Furthermore, there is a massive difference between having an excellent vocabulary and writing billion-dollar words into your paper to show off your efficiency. 

Accordingly, you have to keep your language straightforward.


  • Keep your sentences concise and straightforward


Great authors can write complex and even long sentences with flair. Why not you pen down? Well, as a beginner, you cannot become like Tolstoy and Faulkner. 

Simple and short sentences have high readability. So, keep your sentences simple. 

It would be best to vary the length of sentences so your writing has an attractive flow.
