3 Essential Workflow Management Connections Forged with ERP Solutions

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At its core, ERP is a technology that builds new connections and optimizes getting things done in a connected way. This is especially true of a workflow management system, which is a software system for setting up, executing, and monitoring defined sequences of processes and tasks with the

Workflow management, also known as business process management (BPM), should be a core part of any company's efforts to drive process improvement and efficiency. An ERP system with integrated workflow management tools, such as ERP, can help you do this.
BPM should be a core part of any company's efforts to drive process improvement and efficiency
Integrated workflow management tools, such as BPM, can be adapted to your specific business workflow, enabling you to visualize the most complex process chains. With ERP-integrated workflow management tools, each of your processes is broken down into its parts, which are logically connected chronologically. Each task has a deadline and priority and is assigned to a specific employee or processing group that is alerted to upcoming tasks. You can have a complete view of all active workflows and their status at any time and fully integrate them into your ERP system, providing insights that are fully automatic and actionable.
BMP in ERP connects all parts of your business
Tools such as business process management in an ERP system help connect otherwise isolated parts of an organization.
Again, it's all about connection. These vital strategic connections enhance the ability to respond to changes in the market and help your business internally, just as modules in an ERP system can enhance workflow management between once isolated parts of the business. People and processes work better in a more cohesive way.
Beyond the basic BPM for workflow management, which ERP modules have the most potential to integrate with ERP to create stronger project management? Here are 3 questions you should consider.
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1. Combine customer service with field service
Once the product is delivered, the work of the custom manufacturer does not stop. Building strong relationships with the best customers includes occasional check-in and support. For example, when was the last time your customer service representative talked to your engineer or field service technician about asset lifecycle depreciation? The topic probably didn't come up at the last company holiday party.
The ERP service processing module brings these two worlds together. Once the configuration is in the customer's hands, service representatives and technicians can use the same insight to anticipate support needs before defects, breakdowns, and uncomfortable calls occur. Service processing is also included in the mobile ERP application, so field staff always have up-to-date schedules for the most critical repairs. This integration and sharing of critical data keeps your entire team aligned and enhances customer communication.
2. Combination of accounting and operation
Money makes the world go round, production makes business flourish. Where do finance and order fulfillment intersect in asset-intensive industries? In the equipment, of course. Financial strategists must understand the life cycle of all fixed assets, such as equipment, to plan smarter investments elsewhere and protect the bottom line.
Integration through an ERP system adds value to the entire organization
But that requires a team of operators and technicians to fill in asset depreciation data culled from the machine itself. With Abas's finance and accounting module, the digital arithmetic machine upstairs can communicate effectively with the shop floor, track asset values, and keep abreast of any major equipment failures or overruns. Similarly, the integration of ERP systems adds value to the entire organization, from the back office to the front office, from the shop floor to senior management.
3. Combine sales and marketing
While your sales department is looking for new leads for greater profitability, your marketing team is looking for the next big idea that will put your business ahead of the competition. Despite popular belief, the sales and Marketing Department is not controversial. They are all on an endless quest for success.
