The darker the sunglasses, the better?

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In daily life, sunglasses near me now are probably the most commonly used eye care products. In the face of hot summer, many people feel that the darker the lens color, the stronger the eye protection function must be. Is that really the case? What are some other tips for choosing and wear

In daily life, sunglasses near me now are probably the most commonly used eye care products. In the face of hot summer, many people feel that the darker the lens color, the stronger the eye protection function must be. Is that really the case? What are some other tips for choosing and wearing sunglasses?


Sunglasses are regarded by many people as fashion items, but its real identity is human protection supplies. To prevent the stimulation and damage caused by ultraviolet light to the human eye is its main task. Because, without proper protection, if the human eye is exposed to the sun for a long time, it will increase the risk of diseases such as cataracts.


However, "my sunglasses are the most fashionable and stylish" : blue, pink, yellow, black, brown, and even gradient. Well, it's hard not to be surprised, so maybe you should get a pair of glasses.


Keep in mind the main task, to block UV, is it not the darker the lens color, the more tightly blocked?


The color of the lens is not necessarily related to the protective effect of sunglasses, and the darker the color, the stronger the anti-ultraviolet function. Whether it can prevent UV mainly depends on the functional design of the lens itself, some lens materials can play a role in preventing UV, such as acrylic or polycarbonate (PC); Some lenses are coated with UV protection.


So again, look at the label.


Before wearing, check whether the sunglasses comply with the relevant standards. Then, look for the classification label on it. Lenses are classified into five categories, from weak to strong, based on their ability to block sunlight and glare. For example, the category number 0 stands for "only very limited blocking of sunlight and glare"; Category number 3 means that it blocks sunlight and glare very well. On top of this category, then go to the use of the scene and personal preferences to choose colors.


However, even if you wear sunglasses, you can't directly observe the sun, and you can't wear sunglasses to see the eclipse. Again, dazzling, sometimes really "dazzling."


In addition, people with glaucoma, color blindness and night blindness are not suitable for wearing sunglasses.


Finally, even if you do not pursue "fashion and the most fashionable fashion", you really wear sunglasses as human protective equipment, and remember to replace them in time. Because sunglasses have an expiration date.


It will degrade with use, and its resistance to UV rays will be weak. Generally speaking, the "shelf life" of a pair of sunglasses is about 2 years.
