Mastering the Claws of Thunder: A Comprehensive Assassin Build Guide in D2R

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The Claws of Thunder Assassin build unleashes furious lightning attacks to decimate enemies. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to master this powerful build.

The Claws of Thunder Assassin build unleashes furious lightning attacks to decimate enemies. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to master this powerful build.


  • Great Elite Hunter
  • Satisfying Playstyle
  • Can Farm Everything
  • Insane Area Of Effect Damage
  • Weak Starter
  • Dangerous Playstyle
  • Complicated Build Mechanics
  • Requires GG Gear For Full Potential

Skills and Attributes

The Claws of Thunder Assassin relies on several key skills:

  • Claws of Thunder - Primary damage dealer. Grants charges to unleash lightning attacks.
  • Dragon Talon - Primary finisher that expends charges.
  • Blades of Ice - Secondary damage skill. Grants cold damage charges.
  • Dragon Claw - Secondary finisher that expends charges.
  • Teleport - Mobility skill acquired from Enigma runeword.

Support skills like Burst of Speed, Fade, and Shadow Warrior boost defense and mobility. Max out Claws of Thunder first, then Dragon Talon and other damage abilities. Distribute attributes for enough Strength and Dexterity to equip gear, rest into Vitality.

Gear and Breakpoints

End game gear like Griffon's Eye helm, dual Mosaic Runic Talons, and Infinity runeword on your mercenary maximize damage output. Stack faster cast rate (FCR) to hit breakpoints for Teleport and attack speed. Faster hit recovery (FHR), resistances, leech, and magic find are also useful stats.

Farming and Leveling

Before end game gear, farm starter areas like The Pit in Act 1. Use Dragon Flight for mobility. Handle immunities with Blades of Ice or Lower Resist wand swap. Follow our Assassin Leveling Guide to reach level 75.

Playstyle and Mechanics

Maintain max Charges on Claws of Thunder and Blades of Ice, detonate with Dragon Talon or Dragon Claw. Burst of Speed enables quick charge build up and damage. Teleport directly onto elites. Utilize Shadow Warrior, Fade, Mind Blast, and Cloak of Shadows for defense and utility.

Terror Zones and End Game

With the proper gear and Sunder Charms, this build excels at terror zones like Arcane Sanctuary and Throne of Destruction. Use Battle Commands from Call to Arms weapon swap. Telestomp elites and unleash high density lightning destruction.

Hardcore Viability

Prioritize resistances, damage reduction, life leech, faster hit recovery, and blocking for hardcore. Defiance mercenary helps defense. Adjust skills and be extra cautious in dangerous areas. Vaporize monsters safely with your lightning symphony!

Master the Storm

The Claws of Thunder Assassin rewards patient gearing and skill mastery with elite shredding power. Study this guide, practice the mechanics, and unleash electrifying destruction across Sanctuary!
