the techniques and methods for custom drapes curtains

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Custom drapes curtains have become a trend in modern home decoration. Not only do they have more choices in color, material, and style, but they can also meet individual special needs. However, customizing curtains also requires mastering certain skills and methods to avoid errors.

Custom drapes curtains have become a trend in modern home decoration. Not only do they have more choices in color, material, and style, but they can also meet individual special needs. However, customizing curtains also requires mastering certain skills and methods to avoid errors.


Below, the editor will provide a detailed introduction to the techniques and methods for custom drapes curtains.


1、 Customized curtain techniques


1. Express needs and ideas. Communicate with the designer in detail about the color, material, style, and requirements for shading of the curtains, so that the designer can provide professional and reasonable design matching suggestions.


2. Verify the scale data. Generally, merchants will send professional personnel to come and carefully measure, and consumers should double-check the data to avoid size errors. Generally, the fabric width of custom drape curtains is twice that of the curtain rod, at least 1.5 times, to achieve a beautiful effect.


3. Go to the store to choose a product. Consumers should match curtains based on the completed hard decoration effect, purchased furniture, and wall colors. They can choose curtain samples at the store and then bring them to the house for on-site matching to ensure a harmonious and unified decoration style.


2、 Precautions for custom drapes curtains


1. Wrinkle issue. The more wrinkles there are on curtains, the more beautiful they look. The width of the fabric is usually twice the width of the window, which creates a more beautiful effect.


2. Fabric issue. There are many types of curtain fabrics, and when choosing, one should not only consider whether they are beautiful and environmentally friendly, but also whether they are easy to clean. For example, the current mainstream silver ion antibacterial curtains have special technology to make them have anti-mold and antibacterial effects, which can keep the fabric fresh and clean from the inside out, without any health hazards.


3. Cost issue. There are many accessories on the curtains, such as Roman bars, hooks, straps, and various accessories. When customizing, it is necessary to conduct a price survey in advance and communicate the quantity and material used to prevent merchants from tampering with them and increasing the price of customization.
