Single-trip vs multi-trip Travel Insurance: What are the differences?

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With a detailed understanding of the two types of travel insurance, you can now better select your preferred policy for your next international trip.

The increasing uncertainties of the world have pushed individuals to make better plans with a far-sighted approach to anything and everything. This especially stands true in the case of travel, which inherently bears numerous risks due to the exploration of an unknown place involved in it. Hence, when taking a trip, one should ideally not go forth in their planning without taking travel insurance into consideration. So, whether you are taking a trip to the UK or any other country, the importance of UK travel insurance or a country-specific one cannot be overlooked.

You can find multiple travel insurance options. Of all the policy types available, two of them stand out as the most popular and distinctly identifiable ones for their easy benefits and accessibility. They are single-trip and multi-trip travel insurance. Let’s have a look at them one by one along with the primary points of difference that separate them. This will help you with better policy selection.

Single-Trip Travel Insurance

A single-trip overseas travel insurance policy is simply a type of travel cover whose duration spans only one trip. It comes into force with the commencement of the trip and ends once your journey is complete. With no additional period of coverage available, single-trip travel insurance usually turns out affordable.

Multi-Trip Travel Insurance

Multi-trip travel insurance is one in which the coverage spans more than one trip. Usually, the coverage duration for these trips lasts a year. So, people undertaking multiple trips to the same international location can avail of multi-trip travel insurance to eliminate the need for purchasing one during each trip.

This insurance policy can especially be useful when visiting a place like the Schengen Area. The place comprises multiple countries with varied locations but falls under the same visa approval. Thus, if you are visiting this region with a plan to cover multiple countries or making more than one trip there, the best policy to opt for would be multi-trip travel insurance for Schengen Visa.

Differences Between Single-Trip and Multi-Trip Travel Covers

The essential points of difference between a single-trip and a multi-trip travel cover for international travel are as follows.

  1. Number of trips covered: Under a single-trip plan, the coverage spans for one trip only. Contrarily, for a multi-trip policy, there is no limit to the number of trips covered across the duration while the policy is active. So, if you have taken a multi-trip UK travel insurance, you can visit the country several times during the period of your trip coverage.
  2. Duration of coverage: The duration of a single-trip policy commences and ends with the trip it is purchased for. The duration of a multi-trip policy is, however, usually for one year or more.
  3. Policy purchase requirements for visa issue: if you are going for a single-trip travel cover, you need to purchase a separate policy every time you apply for a new visa. However, if you go for multi-trip policies, no separate policy purchase is required even when applying for a new visa within the coverage duration of the insurance.
  4. Affordability: For individuals travelling to an overseas destination multiple times a year, a multi-trip travel cover will be more affordable than multiple single-trip covers. Nevertheless, the policy is going to prove costly if you have only one trip scheduled for the duration. As such, a single-trip policy should be more affordable.


With a detailed understanding of the two types of travel insurance, you can now better select your preferred policy for your next international trip. For instance, if you need to travel frequently to the UK for vacations or even business purposes within a short period, a multi-trip UK travel insurance policy is what you should ideally go for. However, if such a trip is limited to a single time, it is best to choose a single-trip policy. To choose the best available plan in the market, go for a detailed comparison of offers from different general insurance companies in India. You can determine the best policy based on the extent of coverage provided, the premium affordability as well as the duration of coverage.
