Why do silicone love dolls become oily?

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 How to deal with it?

Why do love dolls produce oil? Users who have purchased real-life dolls know that real-life dolls feel soft and elastic, but after being used for a period of time, the skin surface will become sticky, especially after bathing. Silicone oil is added to silico

 It's not difficult. Before a real sex doll leaves the factory, the manufacturer first bathes the most realistic sex doll, then applies talcum powder or lubricating powder all over the body, and then packages it for shipment. The method of oiling the surface of the doll is very simple, just apply a layer of talcum powder directly on the body (there is a package included in the accessories, and it is also sold in supermarkets. A box of baby talcum powder is about 15 yuan). It's easy, just turn the water to cool, use shower gel, wash and dry, then sprinkle with talcum powder and it will feel silky smooth to the touch. It's easy. If it is not used for a long time, it is recommended to grind it into powder before storing it. Simply put, it is normal for a silicone doll to become oily, so there is no need to make a fuss. It can be easily restored to its original state by just cleaning and applying talcum powder.

What are the characteristics of the closed-eyes version of the real-life love dolls?

What are the characteristics of the eyes-closed version of the love doll: The eyes of the eyes-closed version of the true love doll are closed. Of course, the eyes are always closed and cannot be opened. There are very few heads with closed eyes, but a lot of character. There's a reason you close your big beautiful eyes. At this moment, she may be enjoying the pleasure of your touch, kiss, caress, or being immersed in an orgasm. This proves that you are close to her heart and can make her happy because of your power. In married life, most women prefer to respond to you with the lights turned off and their eyes closed, rather than with their eyes open. Or, you may keep your eyes open at first, but as the pleasure gradually comes, you will unconsciously close your eyes and become immersed in it. It is also a mystery for women to close their eyes in bed, because even if the surrounding environment is not good, closing your eyes will make you imagine a beautiful scenery. All real-life doll products are real shots. You can come to the site to view and purchase consignment products at airports and train stations. Free shipping. You can pay the balance after delivery. Both open and closed eye versions are beautiful depending on your personal preference, so if you're buying multiple physical customize sexdoll, consider at least one with closed eyes. We recommend you choose:

Does the True Love Doll have a skeleton?

Since it is a physical love dolls, it needs a skeleton. The whole body, head, hands, legs, and skeleton. Even if it is just a pile of plastic, it is no different from an airplane cup! The skeleton is inside the body of a real-life doll. I simply don't understand the difference. When I Met Someone, the silicone of the sex doll's body was cut away and the skeleton was visible. However, the quality of the skeletons from regular manufacturers is very good. I've never heard of any problems with the bones. Generally, lover dolls have skeletons, and those with skeletons can be put into various poses. Generally speaking, only very small love dolls have no bones.

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