How to Build Your Salesforce Exam Strategy: Ultimate ADM-201 Study Guide

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Discover a comprehensive collection of 100% valid ADM-201 exam questions meticulously curated by field experts.

Overview of Salesforce ADM-201: Salesforce Certified Administrator

The Salesforce ADM-201 exam leads to the award of the Salesforce Administrator certification. This credential is becoming very popular among the Salesforce experts. It is designed to improve the knowledge and skills of the professionals on the Salesforce platform and it also enhances their employability and earning potentials. According to a survey carried out by Salesforce, over 75% of the specialists have at least one Salesforce certificate and about 39% had increase in a salary after obtaining the certification.

Highlight ADM-201 Exam Topics

  • Organization Setup – 2%
  • Security & Access – 14%
  • User Setup – 7%
  • Standard& Custom Objects – 15%
  • Sales & Marketing Applications – 15%
  • Service & Support Applications – 12%
  • Activity Management & Collaboration – 3%
  • Data Management – 8%
  • Analytics – 10%
  • Workflow/Process Automation – 12%
  • Desktop & Mobile Administration – 1%
  • AppExchange – 1%

Exam Details

ADM-201 exam is made up of 60 multiple-choice questions with time duration of 90 minutes. To pass the test, the candidates must earn the passing score of 65%. According to Salesforce, there are specific contents that the students must study before attempting the certification exam. Each of these topics has an associated percentage, which indicates the weight of questions that may be expected from them.

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100% Valid ADM-201 Exam Questions - Arranged By Filed Experts

Discover a comprehensive collection of 100% valid ADM-201 exam questions meticulously curated by field experts. These questions are thoughtfully organized to provide a focused and efficient study resource for your ADM-201 exam preparation. Each question has been crafted to reflect the latest exam format and content, ensuring that you're fully equipped to tackle the real exam confidently. With the expertise of field professionals, these questions cover all the essential topics and concepts, allowing you to assess your knowledge and identify areas that need further attention. By utilizing these expertly arranged questions, you can enhance your understanding of the ADM-201 exam material while simulating the actual exam environment. Prepare with assurance, knowing that these questions have been curated by professionals who understand the exam's nuances. Achieve success in your ADM-201 exam through effective preparation with this invaluable resource of valid questions designed by field experts.

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