Why modern Chinese women don't want children

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Why modern Chinese women don't want children

Why modern Chinese women don't want children

"I can't raise a child," Gloria, a married 30-year-old woman, told the BBC.

She calculated theเว็บสล็อต xocost of raising a child in China. And found that it was about $ 2,400 per month (about 81,600 baht), not including other expenses that she had to use on a monthly basis.

She broke down the expenses as follows: "Daily expenses such as 3,000 yuan for food, 2,000 yuan for kindergarten, 1,000 yuan for childcare if necessary, and at least 10,000 yuan for future education."

Gloria works as a part-time elementary school teacher. in Guangdong province southern china

The average monthly income of a private sector worker in this part of China is about 6,000 yuan (about 29,700 baht).
