North Korea: Their Unsettling Roar

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Among the global hotspots outside the Middle East, such as Senkaku/Diaoyu islands standoff between Japan and China, or the renewed saber rattling over the Falkland Islands, only one has stood on its toes and looked the 다시보기사이트 directly in the eye and spewed trash - North Korea. Specifically, the new leader, Kim Jong Un - or as I like to call him, Kim III.

It's a bit of a surprise only because with every new autocrat, there's seems to be renewed hope that he'll bring a fresh outlook. Many in the US tingled at every little news item suggesting that Kim III was more westernized, making him, perhaps, a more friendly leader.

Well, that breathing period didn't last long. Following North Korea's satellite launch (considered to be a missile test in disguise) in Dec 2012 and the UN's condemnation and tightening of sanctions a month later, Kim III reacted by scaling new heights of brinksmanship. He seemed almost demented - delusional in his accusations, crazed in his threats. So ferocious has been his performance that the US State Department and the military have deliberately toned down their rhetoric to avoid an escalating war of words that might drive Kim III over the edge. However, not only did they still engage in annual military exercises with South Korea, but they built up their military presence, despite knowing that would be provocative in itself.
