Three advantages of Toshiba air fryer

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Who is the most practical air fryer or oven? Have a look before you buy it. Someone from the past tells you how to choose.

Who is the most practical air fryer or oven? Have a look before you buy it. Someone from the past tells you how to choose.


In fact, the principle of the oven and the air fryer is the same. They both use the method of heating the space to make the food mature, but this principle also clearly distinguishes them.


When the oven is used, two heating tubes are used for heating. This heating method locks the water in the food, which is why the oven can make cakes and the food baked in the oven is relatively fresh and juicy. The Toshiba air fryer is different. It can be made without oil. The taste of the food is the same as that of fried food. This is why the air fryer has become more popular in the past two years.


In addition to the differences, Xiaobian prefers the Toshiba air fryer when choosing the oven or the air fryer, which has three advantages in total


1. The time of the oven is uncertain. If you don't pay attention to the food, it will burn. You need to spend a lot of time watching it. If you are not baking a cake or baking a chicken, in fact, the use rate of the oven is not very high, but the air fryer is different. As long as the time is adjusted properly, it will not burn. Even if the baking is strong, the taste is not good at most, but it does not delay eating.


2. Secondly, the food made with an air frying pan is more delicious. Take roasted chicken wings for example. If they are baked in the oven, they are either baked or not cooked. But the air frying pan is different. The water and oil inside are fried out. The chicken wings made by this method are crisp outside, tender inside, and full of color, and fragrance, and then you don't need to worry about the heat.


3. The last point is that the air frying pan is easy to operate. Even if you are Xiaobai in the kitchen, you can easily use it. It is very convenient, but one thing is that when you use an air frying pan to bake more ingredients, you must remember to turn over your face, otherwise you will not be cooked.


To sum up, as long as you are not a baking enthusiast and don't know which one to choose between the two appliances, Xiaobian still suggests that you buy a Toshiba air fryer, which is simple, convenient, and easy to operate. The food you prepare after frying is the same as that after frying so that you can both enjoy the food and control the heat.
