What is Mivida City Islamabad, and how is it different from other projects?

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Mivida City Islamabad is a new, futuristic city development project located in the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan. At an estimated cost of $1.5 billion, the city is designed to be a model for sustainable urban development and future planning.

Mivida City Islamabad is a new urban project that is designed to provide quality housing and facilities for the people of Islamabad. It’s different from other projects in a few ways, most notably its focus on sustainability. This article will explore what makes Mivida City Islamabad unique, as well as outline some of the sustainability features that make it a powerful example of how contemporary urban design can be beneficial for people and the environment.

What is Mivida City?

Mivida City Islamabad is a new, futuristic city development project located in the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan. At an estimated cost of $1.5 billion, the city is designed to be a model for sustainable urban development and future planning.

Mivida City Islamabad was conceived as a place where people could live and work in harmony with nature. The city features a network of canals and waterways that link it to nearby lakes and rivers, providing residents with clean water and ample recreation opportunities.

The city’s design also takes into account the needs of its citizens. Each residential district is organized around a public square, offering residents easy access to shopping, dining, and other recreational activities. Schools, hospitals, and other essential services are located within walking distance of each home.

In addition to its many benefits, Mivida City Islamabad is also energy efficient. The buildings are made from lightweight materials that require little maintenance or repairs; the canals provide cool air during hot weather; and solar panels supplement the city’s energy needs during periods of darkness or low demand.

Overall, Mivida City Islamabad represents a unique approach to urban development that offers users everything they need – including quality education and health care – in one convenient location

Mivida City Islamabad: A Short History

Mivida City Islamabad is a rapidly growing city located in the federal capital of Islamabad. The city has a population of over 1 million and is home to many international businesses. Mivida City Islamabad is different from other development projects because it was designed with sustainability in mind. The city is built on a man-made island, which minimizes environmental impacts. Additionally, the city features a green belt, which conserves energy and protects wildlife habitats.

Mivida City Islamabad Location

Mivida City Islamabad is a vast, futuristic city being developed in the heart of Islamabad, Pakistan. The project is designed to be the country's most sustainable and efficient urban development ever undertaken, with the aim of creating a model city that can be used as a template for future developments across Pakistan.

The project consists of a series of connected islands, each containing its own unique features and amenities. These include a commercial district, an educational district, a health and wellness district, an entertainment district, and a financial district. The whole complex is interconnected by a network of underground tunnels and bridges, making it one of the most accessible and navigable cities in Pakistan.

Mivida City Islamabad offers residents plenty of opportunities for recreation and enjoyment. There are several parks and gardens located throughout the city which offer stunning views of Islamabad skyline. There are also numerous restaurants, shopping malls, theaters, and nightclubs available for residents to explore.

Since its inception in 2014, Mivida City Islamabad has already become a popular tourist destination for visitors from all over Pakistan and abroad. Not only does the city offer breathtaking views of Islamabad skyline but it is also home to some of the best restaurants in Islamabad as well as some world-renowned art galleries.

Mivida City Islamabad is a new city being developed in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad

The city of Mivida is being developed in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, and it is different from other projects because it will be a mixed-use city that will include a new airport, a business district, and residential areas. The city will also have an underground metro system, which is currently the only one in Pakistan. The city is expected to be completed by 2020.

Unlike many other development projects, Mivida City Islamabad is being built with the intention of becoming a sustainable city

When it comes to the development of Islamabad, there are many projects happening at once. But what makes Mivida City Islamabad stand out is the fact that it is being developed with the intention of becoming a sustainable city. The project began back in 2010, and since then has been making great strides.

One of the main reasons why Mivida City Islamabad is different is because it was designed as an eco-city. This means that it will be built with sustainability in mind from the beginning, which means that it will be able to handle more traffic and have a greater impact on the environment.

Another thing that makes Mivida City Islamabad unique is its focus on human resources. In order to make sure that everyone who lives in the city has access to good quality housing and education, Mivida City Islamabad was designed with a wide range of amenities for people of all ages and abilities.

Overall, Mivida City Islamabad is a very exciting project - it's proof that development can be done in a way that benefits both people and nature. If you're interested in learning more about this unique project, please visit our website or read more about it on our blog!

Mivida City Islamabad will have a high-rise residential district, a commercial district, and a green belt

Mivida City Islamabad is a high-rise residential district, a commercial district, and a green belt situated in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. It is scheduled to be completed in 2027. The development will have a total area of 1,500 acres and will include apartments, villas, and office spaces.

The project has been designed to minimize environmental impact and provide efficient transportation systems. It will also have shopping centers, hospitals, schools, and parks. Mivida City Islamabad is expected to significantly improve the quality of life for residents and create thousands of jobs.

Mivida City Islamabad is designed to be environmentally friendly, with features such as rain gardens and green roofs

Mivida City Islamabad is designed to be environmentally friendly, with features such as rain gardens and green roofs. The project is also designed with sustainability in mind, aiming to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. Additionally, the city will have a populace of around one million people and will be built near Hussainiabad, a major cultural and commercial district.

The city was conceived by a team of architects led by Mohammad Taqi Aziz, who stated that "the city should be an example for the entire world in terms of its sustainable planning and design." In order to achieve these goals, Mivida City Islamabad features a number of innovative features not found in other projects: the first is the use of green roofs, which help to improve air quality and mitigate against climate change; secondly, rain gardens are used to store water during periods of drought and use it to power various infrastructure components; finally, the city is designed so that it can be expanded without compromising its ecological footprint.

The Project Development

Mivida City Islamabad is a unique project that is set to revolutionize the way people live and work. This innovative city will be developed on an area of 200 square kilometers, and will have a population of 1.5 million people.

The project development team has worked hard to create a city that is both functional and beautiful. The city will have ample green space, excellent infrastructure, and world-class amenities. Mivida City Islamabad will also be a model for sustainable development, as it will use natural resources wisely.

In addition to being an incredible place to live, Mivida City Islamabad will be a key hub for economic development in Pakistan. It will provide jobs for thousands of people, and its proximity to other major cities means that it will be easily accessible by commuters.

If you are interested in learning more about the Mivida City Islamabad project, or in investing in it, please contact us at info@mividacitypakistan.com

Infrastructure and Development

Mivida City Islamabad is the first and only private city in Pakistan. It was developed by Mehr Ali Shah, a Pakistani businessman and philanthropist. The city has been designed to be self-sufficient, with its own schools, hospitals, and businesses. The city also has a modern infrastructure, including a subway system and an airport.

Mivida City Islamabad is different from other projects because it was designed from the ground up as a private city. Other projects were originally conceived as business districts or tourist destinations, but were never fully developed. Mivida City Islamabad was created with the goal of providing quality living standards for its residents and creating new job opportunities for Pakistanis.

The city's modern infrastructure includes a subway system and an airport. These facilities are essential for providing residents with access to transportation and commerce opportunities throughout the city. The subway system allows residents to easily travel between different parts of the city, while the airport provides convenient access to international travel destinations.

The city's design features also make it appealing to residents. The city is self-sufficient, meaning that it has its own schools, hospitals, and businesses. This eliminates the need for residents to rely on outside sources for these services. Additionally, Mivida City Islamabad features a modern infrastructure that ensures a quality of life that is unsurpassed by other cities in Pakistan."

How Beneficial is Mivida City Islamabad?

Mivida City Islamabad is a unique city project that will provide much-needed housing and infrastructure for the population of Islamabad. The city was designed with sustainability in mind, and will utilize smart technology to improve its efficiency. Additionally, Mivida City Islamabad is situated within close proximity to many major businesses and tourist attractions, making it a convenient location for anyone looking for a place to live or work.


Mivida City Islamabad is an ambitious and daring project that will change the face of Islamabad. It will be a complete city with all the necessary facilities, including hospitals, schools, businesses and residences. The project is being undertaken by M/s Muzaffarabad Housing Company (MHCC), a renowned developer in Pakistan. MHCC has been successful in developing other projects such as New Karachi and Gulshan-e-Iqbal. So, what makes Mivida City Islamabad different? First and foremost, it will be a mixed-use development – residential apartments, commercial spaces, recreational areas and public open spaces all integrated into one another.

This will provide people living in the city with much needed convenience while still enabling them to enjoy the benefits of living in a scenic environment. Secondly, the design of Mivida City Islamabad pays homage to both traditional Pakistani architecture as well as international styles favored by migrants residing in Pakistan today. Finally, given that it is an ambitious project involving many stakeholders – investors, developers, architects and planners – stakeholder engagement has been central to ensuring that everyone involved understands and abides by agreed upon objectives
