Rich and powerful families, young soldiers, excessive spoiling of wives

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Rich and powerful families, young soldiers, excessive spoiling of wives

The rookies stopped and stood in the waist-deep mud pit and looked up at him. Gu Huai'an stood on the pit, his contemptuous eyes really looked like a group of little devils: "No one wants to quit?"? Then keep practicing! He turned his head and said coldly to the special forces, "who told you to be so gentle, if you didn't practice them to lie down, I'll call you to lie down later!"! Give them some water! As soon as the words fell, someone picked up the high-pressure water gun and began to spray at the people below. The rookies were caught off guard and were rushed around. Ni Kuang raised the 56 half of his waist and shot at the sky in a hurry. He shouted, "Who allowed you to stop? Hit me!"! Don't eat if you don't beat the other side down! As if drugged, the dull rookies got up from the mud pit and beat each other again. Lu Zheng's opponent, a tough guy from Hebei, lit a raging fire in his mud-covered eyes, only to hear him shout at the special forces soldiers on the pit: "Your mother-" and then kick into the air and hit Lu Zheng in the neck! Boom Lu Zheng flew out whole, splashed huge mud waves, and fell to the ground motionless. Boy! Ni Kuang praised, this foot,304 Stainless Steel Bar, obviously has the foundation of the kungfu family, several excellent Sanda special forces on the pit have also noticed, concerned about this rookie. Only Gu Huai'an kept his countenance and raised his eyebrows slightly. At the same time as he made this move, Lu Zheng, who was lying on the ground, suddenly kicked out and swept the lower plate of the big fellow in Hebei. He didn't fall to the ground. Then he bounced up from the ground and hit his opponent's cheekbone with an unmistakable arm,brushed stainless steel sheet, which made the man see Venus. At the moment when he lost his guard, his elbow went around his neck and locked his throat. Pa-pa-pa There were two lonely applause on the pit. Gu Huai'an looked at Ni Kuang and several Sanda pioneers with deep meaning: "See?"? No matter how beautiful the moves are, they are all empty. One hit is fatal. This is the main point of fighting for special forces. -- -- -- -- Digression -- -- More and more, I feel like I'm writing a martial arts film.. One three nine, hit Updated: January 11, 2013 0:06:03 Words in this chapter: 13468 In the mire, Lu Zheng strangled the neck of the big fellow from Hebei and gasped for breath. The mud was thrown away along the tip of his short hair, which was a little longer. The rookie who was restrained by him saw stars in his eyes. After a while, he recovered and blushed and gasped for breath: "Brother.." You're strangling me. Lu Zheng was stunned, hurriedly released his hand and pulled the man up from the mud. Love "Again and again." That man is also a tough guy. He refuses to admit defeat and wants to compete with him again. At this point, 304 Stainless Steel Sheet ,Stainless Steel Decorative Sheet, "Stop!" Gu Huai'an shouted. The rookies stopped shouting, looked up, and quietly watched Gu Huai'an take off his black beret, take off his camouflage coat, and reveal the army yellow physical training vest inside. He exercised his muscles and pulled his heart under his vest. Ni Kuang reached out and threw him a pair of Sanda gloves. He jumped straight into the mire and walked up to Lu Zheng. Get out of the way, all of you. Rookies, get out of the way. Lu Zheng is a little confused. Gu Huai'an looked at him: "I'll fight with you." The rookies held their breath, and Ni Kuang threw a cigarette to the other special forces who were watching the show. Lu Zheng hesitated: "Captain Gu..." "Come on." Gu Huai'an moved his ankle and waved to him. I "You go first." Lu Zheng had no way out, so he had to clench his teeth and punch out in a standard fighting position. Gu Huai'an did not move and looked at him contemptuously: "Not strong enough.". Come on, knock me down. Lu Zheng held his breath and observed his defensive routine. Suddenly, he launched an attack. He got up and kicked in the air. Gu Huai'an raised his arm to block his body and shook it slightly. He shook the mud on his body and shook his head: "I didn't eat, and my feet were soft."? When you knock me down, the rookies will have dinner. Lu Zheng glanced at the comrades-in-arms around the edge of the quagmire. There was no expression on the muddy faces of the rookies. Only dozens of pairs of black eyes were looking at him. He looked around at the eyes, clenched his teeth, and rushed up with a roar of "ah". "No!" "Come again!" "What's the use of playing that?" …… …… …… In the mire, a shadow wrapped in mud kept rushing up, and then kept flying out like a sandbag. After the last punch, Lu Zheng lay on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. The rookies looked silent. The smoke in the mouths of the old birds also fell down. Lu Zheng, black and blue, dawdled and climbed up again from the quagmire. Gu Huai'an was stunned for a moment and spat disdainfully: "Continue if you're not dead, unless you think they can't eat!" "Ah-!" Lu Zheng attacked with another punch. At the bottom, I don't know who took the lead, and the rookies all shouted: "Hit him!" "Attack his lower plate!"! Kick him! "Good job!"! One more punch. …… The rookies seemed to have forgotten the difference between superiors and subordinates, and they all shouted passionately. In the east, a red sun broke the dawn and sprinkled in the mire of wolves, plating a layer of golden red on the clay figurines standing one by one. In half an hour. Gu Huai'an took off his Sanda gloves and jumped into the pit. Before he left, he ordered, "I've never seen such a group of silly rookies.". It's time for dinner! The rookies were shivering with cold, and they all gathered together to keep warm. The big fellow from Hebei who had just fought with Lu Zheng came forward and pulled him up. Lu Zheng felt that his bones were falling apart all over his body, and it hurt to touch them. He grinned when he moved a little. As soon as the big fellow grinned, the half-dried mud on his face cracked a few lines: "Reconnaissance Company of the 601st Regiment of the 329th Division of the 82nd Group Army, heading forward.". What about you Lu Zheng repeated: "Forward?" The big fellow grinned shyly: "When I was born in the countryside, my grandmother delivered my baby. At that time, the song of the Women's Army was playing on the radio,Mirror Stainless Steel Sheet, so my grandmother gave me this name." Lu Zheng shrugged: "Lu Zheng, X Zanglongzi County Frontier Defense Company." "Are you a border guard?" The man looked surprised. "I thought all the people here were scouts." "There are always exceptions, aren't there?" Xiang Qianjin scratched his head. "That's true.". I hear there's a medic in the old bird. 。
