Mistakes to Avoid While Writing Conclusion of Your Dissertation

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In this article, we share some common mistakes of the students. Students need to avoid these while writing conclusions.

Research work is not an easy task. Students spend a lot of time on it. Searching for a topic and reviewing the literature is a lengthy process. The collection of data is a time taking process as well. People don’t show interest in providing data. Students work hard to collect data, but they have to continue the work even when they start losing hope. They must complete the research with total devotion. After that, they have to conclude their work while writing the conclusion section. They summarise the work in a hurry to make themselves accessible. They don’t give importance to the conclusion. This is because they don’t know what to write in this section. A student’s work can be affected by a wrong or ineffective conclusion. The conclusion is an integral part of the study. Most people read the conclusion before reading the entire paper. If the conclusion fails to ignite their interest, they will not read the whole article. Students have to be careful while writing conclusions. Otherwise, it affects the worth of their work.

Do Not Simply Summarise

Students often interpret the area of conclusion as a summary. This is a major mistake on their part. Summaries repeat the work in a precise way. But in conclusion, you have to provoke the thoughts. You can mention the basic idea within a conclusion. It does not mean that you should entirely focus on it, though. You have to conclude the findings and not only summarise them. It is better to answer the question "so what" in conclusion. It gives meaning to the findings. If you don’t answer this question, the conclusion will stay incomplete. Calculating or summarising is not a researchers’ work. Computers can do it better than we do. The reasoning ability of the researcher is what gives meaning to research. So researchers have to give a stance on the findings. Otherwise, findings are only taken as information without meaning.

Do Not Repeat The Introduction

Most of the time, students start repeating the lines of the introduction. It is not the right approach to write a conclusion. You can start the writing conclusion from the opening lines. But these lines show a bigger picture of the topic. Students also try to avoid using the same terms many times. It is OK to use keywords within the conclusion. You cannot avoid using them. However, copying straight from the introduction is not an appropriate approach. You can define the line in different words. You can also change sentence structures or use synonyms for the introductory line. Besides, it is suggested to use the bigger picture in the initial lines. It will show that your point is both convincing and strong.

Avoid Sharing Everything

Research by a PhD dissertation help firm shows that students think that they have to share everything in conclusion. It is a common mistake made by many of them. You don’t need to mention everything in conclusion. Try to avoid sharing minor information. It only distracts the reader. For example, you are conducting research on the effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education. In this case, it's OK to share history in the body of your paper. It will only create a distraction if you start explaining history while writing the conclusion. Sometimes, students start defining various terms in conclusion. This is not the right thing to do. You write a handsome amount of words in the body. And it is acceptable to explain the topic in detail there. The conclusion, however, is not the right place to add such information. The reader wants to know the findings and your concluding remarks. This information is enough for a reasonable conclusion.

Do Not Share New Information

Sometimes students make the mistake of adding new points to the conclusion. They don’t understand what this new information states. It makes them confused and distracts them from the main idea. It also shows that they did not ensure in-depth efforts for their study. If you find new information that you think is a part of the paper, add it to the body section. It is the right place for such information. You should remember that people don’t want a large amount of information. They need precise and meaningful information related to the topic. Hence, if you share any new information, the readers would expect justification. You also have to create its relation with the conclusion. Because of this reason, it's OK to rely on the available data in the body. The students should refrain from adding any new information to the conclusion.

Avoid Showing That You Are Not An Expert

Your substantial verdict is essential in conclusion. Don’t use words that show that you’re not confident. When readers read your paper, they do not consider you students. In their perspective, you are only the researcher. You should avoid any statements that make them think of you as a student only. In this sense, students have to be careful while writing their article/paper’s conclusion.

Do Not Use Concluding Phrases

Students have to avoid using terms like “in conclusion”. When you are writing the conclusion section, it is obvious that you will be concluding your paper. These terms are idle in conclusion. Your conclusion should be memorable for the readers. They only remember the points which they read in conclusion. So make your conclusion catchy. Use a creative approach to write the conclusion. You do not need to follow the patterns of others. Your different approach gives the reader something to remember. Students must take conclusions more seriously because they have to give great insights to readers through this part.


Students ensure great work for their research. They highlight significant findings. But they ignore the importance of a writing conclusion. They do not write a conclusion in the way it should be written. They forget that most people only read the conclusion. Students make many mistakes while writing a conclusion. They think that a conclusion is the summary of their research. So they summarise the data within this part. They don’t share their views on the findings either. They also copy the opening lines of the first chapter. They do not feel confident while sharing their points. They start sharing irrelevant information from the research as well. Students need to avoid making such mistakes. These mistakes decrease the worthiness of their study in the end. They should acknowledge the importance of writing a reasonable conclusion and work accordingly.
