SBI PO 2022-Overall Preparation Strategy

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Section-wise SBI PO Preparation Tips for Prelims and Mains exams
Here are the tips that will help propel preparation of all the sections of the upcoming exam.


  1. SBI PO Preparation for English Language

The English language is one of the most scoring sections in the SBI PO exam. It comes as a computer-based test descriptive paper as well.

The questions that come in the Prelims exam is much easier compared to the Mains exam.

Sound knowledge of basic grammar rules, sbi po online coaching regular reading practice, and vocabulary skills are needed to score maximum marks in it.

Questions are asked from topics like: Reading Comprehension, Cloze test, FIBS, Para jumbled, Grammar (Error identification, Phrase replacement), Word interchange, Match the Clause and Incorrect usage form.

Newspaper reading is a must to enhance overall English skills.

  1. SBI PO Preparation for Reasoning and Computer Aptitude Section

The reasoning section is one of the most time-consuming yet scoring sections in the SBI PO exam.

Reasoning sections tests students reasoning abilities with questions from verbal reasoning (logical reasoning) based on critical thinking or analytic reasoning. In it, students have to identify the various components of any given statement. Those students who develop higher logical reasoning ability score maximum marks in this section.

For more, read: SBI PO 2022-Reasoning Preparation Strategy


  1. SBI PO Preparation for Quantitative Aptitude

Most students find Quants to be the toughest section in the SBI PO Prelims Exam. In the mains exam, it is termed as the Data Analysis Interpretation section.

Be ready to face questions on Quadratic Equations, Simplification, Data Interpretation, Caselet, and Arithmetic Problems (percentage, profit loss), etc.

SBI PO Mains paper serves only the Data Interpretation questions made from Pie chart, Bar graph, Line graph, Table chart, etc.

Clear mathematical basic concepts and master shortcuts, formulas and go for regular mock test practice.

Focus more on questions on Simplifications, Approximations, Missing and Wrong Number Series, Data Interpretation, Quadratic comparisons, Caselet, and Arithmetic Problems (percentage, profit loss), etc. Practice regularly to crack the exam. The questions asked will be very logical in nature.

  1. SBI PO Preparation for Computer Aptitude

You need to have basic knowledge of computer software and hardware to fetch maximum marks in this section.

Cover computer basics, operating systems, LAN and WAN, Basic MS office, etc.

  1. SBI PO Preparation for General Awareness

Read the newspaper and magazines daily without fail.

Follow updates on Banking Awareness. You need to cover topics like Indian economy, Marketing, Awards and Honors, Indian Constitution, Banking, Agriculture, Sports, etc. Candidates must give importance to Banking terminologies.

Take Mock Test to test your GA knowledge and prepare accordingly.
