Cataract Surgery Melbourne | Professionals are here for Your Help

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Cataract is a condition of the eye where there is a clouding of the lens, which causes vision impairment in both eyes. It can lead to blindness if left untreated. The only way of treating cataract is by surgery and this is done when there are no other treatments available.

Cataract Surgery Melbourne | Professionals are here for Your Help


Cataract is a condition of the eye where there is a clouding of the lens, which causes vision impairment in both eyes. It can lead to blindness if left untreated. The only way of treating cataract is by surgery and this is done when there are no other treatments available.


Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. Many people are unaware that they have a cataract and therefore do not seek treatment until it is too late.

Cataract surgery can be performed by an ophthalmologist, who uses advanced technology to remove your eye's cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial one made from plastic materials or glass. The procedure is painless and takes about 15 minutes to complete; afterwards you may experience some temporary discomfort, but this will subside over time as your eyes heal around the new lens implantation area.

How is Cataract Treated?

Cataract surgery is the only treatment for cataracts. If a patient has a cataract that isn't making the vision blurry or cloudy, it will be left alone and not treated. But if you have any other eye problems like glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy which are causing blurriness or cloudiness in your eyes then these must be treated before coming to us for cataract surgery Melbourne .

The procedure of cataract extraction is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes on an operating table with your head immobilized in a head holder device so that there are no movements during this process. After surgery all your bandages will be removed, and you will be allowed to go home after two hours post-surgery period which includes one hour of recovery time at home before returning back again for longer duration post procedures (up to 3 days).

Cataract Surgery Melbourne

Cataract surgery is a procedure to remove the clouded natural lens of the eye. A cataract is a clouding of the lens that is located behind the pupil and iris. The natural lens becomes cloudy as you get older and can cause vision impairment if not treated by cataract surgery.

What are Some Factors that can Lead to Cataract?

While there are many factors that can lead to cataract, the most common ones include age and gender.

Age: Cataracts can occur at any age, but they are more commonly found in those over 50 years old. However, it's important to note that not all people who have cataracts will develop them at an older age; some people may notice a change in their vision when they're younger than 50 years old but still have good eyesight overall.

Gender: Men are more likely than women to develop cataracts due to higher risk factors such as smoking and exposure to sunlight (both linked with greater risk of developing glaucoma).


The cataract surgery Melbourne is a procedure that can be performed in the eye, which is used to treat or prevent vision problems. It's important to note that there are many different types of cataract surgeries, but all of them will involve removing the lens from your eye and replacing it with an artificial one.

The surgeon will then use an instrument called an ultrasound machine to help guide him as he performs this procedure on you. This helps ensure that no permanent damage occurs during surgery; otherwise, you might have difficulty seeing objects clearly again after undergoing such procedures.

If you're considering having this done at some point in your life but aren't sure whether it's right for you yet - don't worry! There are plenty of things we can discuss together before making any final decisions about what path forward might look like best."

Cataract treatment by surgery is the only way of treating cataract.

Cataract surgery is the only way of treating cataract.

The restoration of vision through cataract extraction removes the damage-causing lens and replaces it with an artificial lens that has been implanted in your eye. The surgery also reduces pain, improves night vision, restores your ability to see at distance and reduces glare in bright light.


Cataract is a condition that can cause blindness and other vision problems. It is a leading cause of blindness in adults over the age of 40, with more than 2 billion people worldwide affected by cataracts. Cataract surgery is the only way to treat cataracts. If you have any questions or concerns about your cataract diagnosis, Contact Us Today.
