Tiger Woods' Return to Golf Proves He Is a Better Athlete Than You

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Tiger Woods has been practicing, and practicing hard if you’re to believe the tabloids, in preparation for his first competitive round in over two years at the Masters.

If all goes well, this will be the first of many tournaments he’ll compete in and win (at least we hope). And while that in itself is exciting enough, 8Xbet tell there’s something else about Tiger’s comeback that’s even more impressive.


Recovering from an Injury

Tiger Woods suffered injuries that kept him from competing professionally for nearly four years. Any athlete or sports fanatic will tell you that is no easy feat. From 2006-2010, Tiger struggled with injuries to his knee and Achilles tendon, forcing him out of competition and into recovery. If golf’s most successful player can make it back onto the field of play after a four-year break, any athlete can!


Time away from Sports

Sometimes an athlete’s time away from their sport isn’t necessarily their choice, but an injury forced them to step away from it. When people have these injuries, they can often start feeling out of place and lost. This is what happened with Tiger when he had his first back surgery in late 2014. Tiger admitted that for him, returning to sports was not just about getting back into physical shape – it was also about getting his head right again too.


Mastering New Skills

Tiger Woods’ competitive golf career was not yet 10 years old when he underwent fusion surgery on his back in April 2017. The long recovery time of three months made it unlikely that he would be able to return for any PGA Tour events in 2017, and fans didn’t expect him back until 2018 at best. Yet just two months after surgery, on October 25, Tiger participated in a practice round with Rory McIlroy and Bryson DeChambeau at a PGA Tour event.


Lessons Learned

In 2011, after years of rumored infidelity and alcohol abuse, Tiger Woods revealed that he had been suffering from a debilitating nerve condition. It was also alleged that he had been carrying on an extramarital affair with Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn. Throughout these scandalous allegations and his subsequent return to golf in 2012, it was unclear whether fans would be able to forgive his transgressions, but when I watched him play Augusta in April 2013, it was clear that something was different.


The Importance of Patience

It is easy for athletes, especially young ones with so much time ahead of them, to get caught up in thinking that bigger and better is always better. When it comes to rehabbing an injury however, those who take their time usually find they come back stronger than ever. These aren’t just empty words; there are studies that show patience in recovery actually leads to faster healing rates.
