PHP Questions With Solutions For Online Exams & Interviews

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Studying for a PHP online exam? Go through a bunch of prominent questions in PHP right here in this article.

Are you studying for an online exam on PHP? Well, then, this guide can help you prepare better. Online exam experts and tutor from one of the most extensive online PHP assignment help services have compiled some great questions their solutions right here.

So, dally no longer and dive in.

Top PHP Questions Solutions

1. What is PHP Used For?

Ans.: PHP is a scripting language and is THE most popular server-side or back-end scripting language in the world. PHP handles incoming client requests and executes instructions on the web server accordingly.

PHP is also used for command-line scripting and developing desktop applications.

2. What are the different data types in PHP?

Ans.: There are eight major data types in PHP, and they are as follows:

  • Array
  • Boolean
  • Double
  • Integer
  • Object
  • NULL
  • Resource
  • String

3. Define the main characteristics of a PHP variable.

Ans.: Key features and characteristics of variable usage in PHP are:

  • Variable declarations are only allowed before value assignment,
  • Assignments need to be done using the =operator,
  • Variables need to be denoted using the $ sign,
  • There are no explicit data declarations in PHP for variables

4. On what languages are PHP based?

Ans.:  PHP derives its syntax and operating design from C and Perl.

5. What is the difference between echo and print in PHP?

Ans.: Both echo and print are used for output purposes. However, echo can put out more than one string while print can output the value of just one string. This is because print returns 1 on every output, but echo does not return anything.

6. What is the difference between variables with $ and those with $$?

Ans.: Variables with $ store data while those with $$ are kind of like pointers to other variables store variables of variables.

7. How do we define a constant in PHP?

Ans.: We define constants by either using define() function or the const() function.

8. What are magic constants?

Ans.: Magic constants are the ones whose value can be changed. They begin with a double underscore as well as with a double underscore.

9. What are predefined constants in PHP?

Ans.: The language defines several different constants, chief among which are:

  • _METHOD: Used to represent a method name in a code
  • _CLASS: Returns the name of a class
  • _FUNCTION: Defines the name of a function
  • _LINE: Denotes the working line number
  • _FILE: Represent the file name along with its path

10. What are the purposes of PHP's isset() and header() functions?

Ans.: The header() function sends a raw HTTP header to the client machine. This function must be called before sending any output to the client.  

The isset() function checks whether any specific variable has been defined or is NULL.

11. What are the different types of arrays defined in PHP?

Ans.:  There are three key types of arrays defined in PHP. They have indexed arrays (arrays with numerical keys), associative arrays (each key has a corresponding value associated with it), and multidimensional arrays (arrays that are built using one or more sub-arrays)

Well, that's all the space we have for today. Hope this write-up was informative and valuable for all readers alike.

If you are preparing for an online exam in PHP need some guidance, look for tutors from PHP assignments or online exam help services. Choose a service that’s reputed and offers all assignment help.


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