Essential Google Cloud Services

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Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has three most sought-after cloud providers (see our complete overview of AWS and Azure and Google Cloud).

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has three most sought-after cloud providers (see our complete overview of AWS and Azure and Google Cloud). Google Cloud's pricing could be a significant advantage over its competitors for its cloud services and Google Cloud aims to offer costs that are lower as well as more user-friendly and straightforward to use in comparison to other cloud service providers. Cost is not a aspect to consider when you're considering moving to Google Cloud or switching to any other cloud provider. There are numerous options for you when it comes to GCP course. There are numerous options to select from. If you've experienced the joy of using training techniques in a classroom as well as in the online environment. If so , it can assist you in remembering details more efficiently and aid you in completing your training to succeed in the world of cloud computing.


  • Compute Engine (GCE) - GCE lets customers provision virtual machines on demand. GCE virtual machines can be configured to switch hosts without having to reboot. This lets users use their software even when hosts need maintenance.
  • Cloud Functions - is a scalable pay as you go Functions-as-a-Service that runs your code without the need to manage, provision, or upgrade servers.
  • Kubernetes Engine (GKE)- offers an automated system for managing and deploying containers by using Google Infrastructure. Google Infrastructure. GCP will handle upgrading to use the most current version of Kubernetes.


  • The local SSD (or Local SSD) is highly-performing storage device that connects physically to the computer that hosts the VM instance. It can handle extremely high input and output operations per second, and extremely low latency as compared with block storage alternatives.
  • Persistent disks are extremely robust, high-performance block storage that is used in virtual machines. They can be set up in zones. Regional persistent disks are configured to perform failover functions using GKE.
  • Cloud Storage (GCS) is a trusted and reliable Storage object that is RESTful web service that permits the storage and retrieval of information from GCP. GCP infrastructure.
  • Filestore Filestore completely controlled with scalable, flexible and flexible storage that is connected to the network (NAS) which allows you to connect for compute Engine or GKE instances.


  • Cloud SQL Automate the provisioning process and manage capacity by using this fully-managed relational database service that integrates MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL server.
  • Cloud Firestore is an easy method to create complicated applications using fully managed NoSQL servers that scale to meet the needs of the users.


  • Virtual Private Cloud is an Google production system. Auto mode VPC networks are built by creating a subnet for each region as they are first created. They then automatically receive 20 subnets each time new regions are created.
  • Cloud CDN is GCP's lightning-fast and secure web and streaming content service with global reach and scale , which delivers identical experiences throughout the world. It is activated using a single button for users of Cloud Load Balancing.
  • Cloud DNS is a high-performance and robust global DNS that puts your domain's name to the world DNS in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. Domain names are available through Google Domains. Google Domains service.


  • ID Access Management (IAM) Access control that is highly precise and allows access control for centrally managing cloud resources and roles and permissions.
  • Key Management System (KMS)- KMS is a cloud-based centralized keys management software that utilizes keys to decrypt, encrypt or sign data, such as secrets that are stored. Furthermore, keys that are are managed externally through the assistance of an external key management service may be utilized by Cloud EKM.

Cloud Armoris a tool to secure your web applications from DDoS and web attacks. Through Cloud Armor, you can use DDoS and WAF-related services. Custom rules sets, in addition to other services. If you're seeking for more detailed info about GCP, it is accessible by a thorough preparation through GCP certification cost India.
