Know The Reasons why You Are Losing Hair

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Losing a bit of hair is very natural but losing a lot of hair can be difficult for many people especially for women because it can be tricky to detect the cause of this hair loss.

Losing a bit of hair is very natural but losing a lot of hair can be difficult for many people especially for women because it can be tricky to detect the cause of this hair loss. Most of the time minor hair loss means that your body is growing new and healthy hairs that replace the old ones. If this doesn’t happen you have to think about hair transplant treatment in Turkey.

Finding out the cause of your hair loss can be difficult as there are a lot of different causes of hair loss among women. Cause such as hereditary hair loss can never be in your control which is why there is nothing you can do to prevent it but temporary hair loss can be managed or reversed if you can notice it early. Some hair loss in women results in sudden shedding of hair while others may become more noticeable as time goes and this makes it more complicated.

If you have noticed unusual hair fall or your hair looks thinner, then it is crucial to figure out the cause as soon as possible. So, here are some causes that might help you.

Hair Loss Due To Genetics

People of all genders are susceptible to hereditary hair loss and it is a very common cause for most people. In women, the hair loss is usually concentrated at the crown of the head but in the case of men, the hairline gets affected. Such a cause can never be controlled because it is a genetic problem, but it can be treated.

There are treatments that might help you to slow down or make your hair stay fuller longer which is why you need to start your treatment sooner because it will help you to achieve the results more quickly. The treatments might change due to the introduction of a new therapy process and this is why you must always consult with a doctor about what process will work best for you. Also, if you find yourself standing on the edge, then a hair transplant will definitely be the perfect solution. 

Hair Loss Due To Intense Stress

Often, you will find yourself in a situation where you will go through a lot of stress and this might be a reason for your hair loss. Stress such as your average day to day stress doesn’t affect your hair that much, but something big or life-changing situations such as a big move or job change will give you a lot of stress and something like this affects your hair loss.

Stress in these situations can be both emotional or physical and during this time, temporary hair shredding occurs. If it bothers you too much, then you should always go for a check-up and learn more about your styling changes and products that you can use to have a fuller hair look.

Dandruff or scalp psoriasis

If the skin on your scalp gets itchy and inflamed, then you will be tempted to scratch it naturally and things might be a reason for your hair to shred more than usual. Dandruff can be a reason for itchy and inflamed scalp and this can be easily treated with over-the-counter products. But conditions such as scalp psoriasis can be another reason for hair loss.

Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes thick patches of skin and treating this condition can take more effort and time compared to dandruff. So, if you suffer from scalp psoriasis then it will be ideal for you to go and consult with a dermatologist.

Medication side-effects

Sometimes, certain medicines might cause side effects that can lead to hair loss and it is very common. Medicines for cancer, arthritis, depression or high blood pressure are known to cause hair loss issues. This kind of hair loss is temporary most of the time but if it becomes chronic, you should go and have a word with your doctor so that you can have a replacement of those medications that don’t lead to any sort of side effects like these.

Therefore, these are some of the causes of hair loss that women face. 
