Owners and Developers - Park View City Islamabad

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Park View City is accessible from a variety of areas within Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The main boulevard in Park View City is 400 feet. large and accessible without difficulty.

Park View City Islamabad

Park View City Islamabad is an beautiful and luxurious residential project which is located within Zone IV of Islamabad. CDA has endorsed the project and development is underway at the site. Vision Group owns the project. Vision Group owns the project and plans to turn this into the most lavish housing areas in Islamabad.

Park View City is accessible from a variety of areas within Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The main boulevard in Park View City is 400 feet. large and accessible without difficulty. In addition, Park View City can be reached via Kurri Road and Bani Gala. Park View City is a community for residents which is a family-friendly. It has gained popularity because of the rapid development.


It's a complete description of the program, its features and the main reasons why it's a good investment for prospective investors.


Owners and Developers - Park View City Islamabad

The owners and developers of Park View City are the Vision Group. The Vision Group has been working for years in the fields of development and real estate management and other related fields. Their decades of experience will to make this project a complete success.


Vision Group Vision Group was established in 2012 and since then, it has been working on significant projects, including Abdul Aleem Khan Foundation, Park View Corporate Center Lahore, The National School, Park View Signature Apartments Gulberg, Lahore, and Park View Icon, Karachi, and many more.


Vision Group Vision Group has created each of these projects and has ensured the highest quality design and infrastructure perspective. Based on previous projects, clients have shown trust in Vision Group in this project. Park View City master plan.


Mauza of Park View City Islamabad

The residential area described is based on the earlier known Malot.


Park View City Islamabad NOC

CDA will be the authority that is responsible for the issuance of Non-Objection Certifications in Islamabad. CDA is expected for the issue of an NOC at accordance with Park View City soon as the authority in charge. When Park View City is approved, Park View project is accepted investment opportunities will increase since individuals will be keen to know the truth regarding their investments.


Map of Park View City Islamabad

Park View City Islamabad location map shows that it's easily accessible from various areas of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Some of the most well-known areas that are accessible via Park View City include Serena Hotel Islamabad, Bahria Enclave, Bani Gala, etc.


Alongside these areas to that, it is located near Chak Shehzad, Kuri Road and Park Road. The roads that can be used to connect to these locations include Kashmir Highway, Islamabad Highway and Lehtar Road.


Park View City Islamabad map of the location reveals it's the most sought-after spot in Islamabad and offers a variety of investment opportunities. Numerous access roads are being built to make it easier to access the project. They include Malot Road, while another access road is being built all the way towards Kurri Road.


Park View City - Total Land and Area

The total area of the project is 7700 square. Kanal. The area proposed includes various types of properties such as commercial, residential parks, blocks that will use for recreation, health as well as others.


Since the project is located in the most sought-after region of Islamabad the beauty of this project is unmatched. Furthermore, because it is located close and to Bahria Enclave, it adds to the value of the plots that are part of the construction. The views of the proposed location in this project as well as on the roads connecting to it are spectacular. Future development will improve the beauty of the region.


Botanical Garden located in Islamabad is situated close to Park View, and its gate 2 as well as the main entry point provides ease of access into the stunning gardens. The main entrance to the garden is located in Rawal Chowk, which is an important spot.


The area of residence is free from noise and pollution and is conducive to a healthy life. Anyone seeking peace and tranquility is able to choose it as the perfect place to live. A 200-foot. wide road is being planned to connect the area to the rest part of Islamabad. CDA has approved the road and construction is currently in process to construct it in the timeframe that was set.


Park View City Master Plan

Park View City master plan is the product of the knowledge of experts in the areas of architecture, urban planning as well as engineering. Additionally, the planning committee has made sure that the layout of the different residential and commercial blocks are suitable for inmates.


Park View City master plan is one of the carefully created master plans that are designed taking into consideration the needs in the near future. It's similar in terms of quality to the most famous projects in development. There are different versions of the masterplan to ensure its flawless.


This review group consisted of the creators of the original design as well as experts from various development companies. This impeccable master plan is among the most sought-after plans in Pakistan for contemporary housing.


Project Details of Park View City

Park View City comprises different blocks, that are laid out by alphabetical arrangement. Park View City Islamabad is a location that allows the division of the blocks in accordance with the size of their plots and the use of the plots as well as the cost. The most recent block that's included in these blocks is Block J. Block J, which the developers recently added to their portfolio.


5 marla plots exist in Blocks B F and. The plots for 10 are located in block A B, F and H and I. Block B C, E, and F E F, and N are 1 Kanal plots which are accessible by investors.


Customers can get 2 Kanal plots in the Block D as well as P. As the process of development continues and plots are developed, the value of plots within blocks will rise.


Park View City Terrace C Block


Terrace C Block inside Park View City is one of the blocks with lowest costs. It provides homesites of various sizes to those looking to invest. The prices for this block are low when compared with other luxury residential developments that are located within Islamabad.


The current sizes of plots that are available within the Terrace C block are 10 marla. The block has modern amenities which will allow investors evaluate the worth of their money.


Park View City A B Block


The A and B blocks of Park View City offer residential plots of various sizes. They include five marla, 10, and One Kanal sizes of parcels. The prices of plots in the block are quite affordable and are accessible to people who are upper middle classes.


The variety of sizes offers the inmates' choice of areas to plot.


Park View City H Block


H Block of Park View City Islamabad includes 5 and 10 marlas and 1-kanal plots. Therefore, it's dependent on the budget as well as the choice of the investor in regards to the size they would like for their plot.


Commercial Downtown


The Walk Commercial Downtown is the commercial heart of the. It provides entertainment and other necessities to residents in the town. There are many sizes of commercial plots located in the region mentioned.


Investors who are interested in investing can contact customer service or other service providers related to request plots.


Commercial plots in the area are in sizes 9,8 and 6,8 marla. The walk is 1. Kanal. Investors can choose which is best for their requirements.



Initial deposit required for planning the plots is 20%. The remaining installments are divided into eight instalments. The length of the installment plan is two years, which is a great alternative for those with diverse circumstances in their finances.


Park View City Islamabad Payment Plan for various Blocks

This is a brief overview of the Park View City Islamabad payment plan which covers different block sizes. The plan for payment was developed in order to allow for greater flexibility as well as cost-effective as compared to the dimensions of the plots.


The size of the plot and price is listed in the following.


Park View City Downtown Commercial Plots Payment Plan

Two types of commercial plots that are available within this area. The plot that has 6 marlas is available for purchase at 42,000,000, and the price to join is 100000. The down amount is 25% of the plot's total price. The remainder of the payment has to be made over six installments per quarter.


commercial plots with 8 marla are for sale at 56,000,000. The price for membership is 200 000. Each quarter's installment is about 7,000,000.


Park View City Block A and B - Residential Plots Payment Plan

Three different dimensions of plots for residential use that are available within Block A and Block B. There are five marlas, ten marlas, and one Kanal. The down amount for each plot is 25% and the remaining amount has to be paid by quarterly payments of four installments.


The cost of a plot with 5 marlas is 6,500,000. A 10 marla plot costs 10,000,000 and the price of Kanal is 25,000,000. Kanal will be 25 million.


Park View City Payment Plan for Terrace C Block

Terrace C Block has the residential tracts of 10 Marla which are for sale for 10,500,000. Down payment of $2,000,000 and 4 monthly payments.


Park View City Islamabad Payment Plan - For Block C, D, E

C, D and E blocks within Park View City Islamabad have 1 and 2 Kanal residential plots that can purchase. The down amount for these plots is 25% as well as four installments per quarter.


1. The single Kanal parcel within Block C is offered for 25,000,000. It is the Block E is available in the 25,000,000 to 30,000,000, as there are two types of plots that are identical in size.


2. The Kanal Dimension of the plot within The D block is available for sale at a price of 30,000,000. This is in relation to the cost.


Park View City Islamabad Payment Plan - For Block F

Block F is available with five sizes of plots to select among. This includes five marla plots, ten marla plots, along with an Kanal plot. 5 marla plots are for sale for 5 million, whereas 10 marla plots are available for purchase at 8,500,000.



Park View Islamabad Payment Plan - Block H

The scheme of payment to cover Block H in Park View City has three different sizes of parcels. This includes five marlas, 10 marlas, one Kanal and 10 marlas. The price for plots that have 5 marlas is 6,500,000. The price for 10 marla plots would be 10 million.


One-kanal plots can be available to purchase for thirty million. The fee for membership is different for the various sizes, and begins with 7,500.


Park View City - Block J Payment Plan

Four types of residential plots in Block J. This comprises 5 marla 10 , Kanal, 1 Kanal along with two Kanal.


The cost for 5 marla plot is 6,500,000. 10 marla plots are 10 million. One Kanal plot is worth 30 million, and a plot from two Kanal is worth 65,000,000. The cost of down costs for each type or plot of land is percent..


Price Comparison and Discounts

The study of the prices of different blocks within Park View City shows that the prices could be higher than other areas. However, when we consider the overall costs in Islamabad it's a reasonable price. The area of the plots is what makes them worth it.


Category Plots

A cost of 10% more can be applicable to plots that are within a specific category, such as the corner facing park , or facing boulevards generally.


Park View City Islamabad - Features and Amenities

Park View City is being developed by a well-known brand in development and property planning. They have confirmed that the residents of the development will have access to all the services that cities have. These are the principal characteristics and services offered by the project.


Imax Cinemas

3-D tech as well as IMAX theatres offer the primary entertainment options for those living in this area. They can benefit from entertainment inside the comfort of their home.


Commercial Zone

A pedestrian plaza in this city will allow inmates to buy products from the leading brand names. They will not have to shop in various areas in Islamabad.


Parks, Zoos as well as other areas of entertainment

The primary objective of the creators is to provide an enjoyable and healthy living space for their inhabitants. To achieve this, they've included parks and Zoos.


Community Centers and Clubs

Community centers and clubs are included in the masterplan in order to ensure that residents are involved in healthy activities and interactions.


Health Facilities

Hospitals and other healthcare facilities that are crucial to the completion of the task. They will be outfitted with professional personnel.


Educational Facilities

Schools, colleges, and other educational facilities are expected to form part to the community. The establishment of the National School under the supervision of the Abdul Aleem Khan Foundation is the first step.



Mosques and other venues to worship are also part in the Park View residential society.



Park View City will ensure that residents in this community are safeand secure. For that reason , it is an secured neighborhood. Additionally the wall that divides the community and also the security for the surrounding neighborhood aid to keep the inmates safe.


Electricity, Gas, and Water Supply

Electricity, gas and water supply is assured within the city's boundaries. The city's administration will make sure that the water supply isn't a source of concern for the residents. A proper plan has been put in place to guarantee this.


Underground Electric Lines

The electrical lines will be underground to protect the residents. The underground cables will also ensure that electrical lines are free of natural hazards such as rain and wind.



The surveillance of Park View City will be carried out by CCTV cameras, as security guards, and access points.



This society's structure will be contemporary and in line with the top methods of world's best cities. It will be designed to complement the splendor in Islamabad and will incorporate Pakistani as well as Western architectural styles.


Park View City Apartments

Park View City apartments can be a great alternative to plots built on top of the earth. They will have modern amenities such as swimming pools, gyms laundry facilities, and much many more. The apartments will be like high-end residential areas within Islamabad.


Botanical Garden

The botanical gardens has been built in Park View City Islamabad to improve the beauty of this area. It will increase the beauty of the city and increase the fertility of the soil. The garden is planned to be built using imported plants from all parts of the world and will provide a unique instance of its kind in Pakistan.


Park View City Islamabad - Golf Estate

Park View City Golf Estate is one of the newly launched blocks which was launched recently. It is one of some of the finest blocks within the city and will add to the splendor of the area. The block's site is located within Bahria Enclave, and it is accessible via Gate 2 of Park View City.


It's a means to get away from the hustle and bustle of Islamabad as well as Rawalpindi and Rawalpindi and Rawalpindi, where residents can relax and have a good moment. In addition to that, they have the opportunity to play golf while taking in the stunning Margalla Hills. The spectacular view of Margalla Hills and Golf lawns are a paradise for those who dream who love gold.


The plot includes nine holes of Golf Course which can be adapted to the needs of players. There are many residential and commercial plots available inside The Golf Estate.


The dimensions of residential plots consist of five marlas 10, 10 marlas, and 1 Kanal.
