How can a CRM help a law firm?

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The use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software in the legal sector is growing rapidly in Europe. A law firm needs to collect information and have all the data in a single source for every aspect of business development and client management within the firm in order to remain c

A CRM can help firms profile prospects, understand their needs, and build relationships with them, providing them with a very high level of customer service. This helps a law firm present a unified face to its clients and improve the quality of the Client Relationship. The role of a CRM on a day-to-day basis is to streamline backend efficiency so you can focus on winning cases while practicing law.  strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. With projects like park view city islamabad


What are the main reasons to use a CRM?

Centralize your customer data

It will allow you to easily follow up and quickly integrate any contact your legal team may have with an existing or potential client. Law firms can no longer afford to ignore the need for a centralized place to manage all firm relationships.

Organize important tasks

This point is particularly relevant when you have a meeting with a potential client and you want to make sure you follow up properly. With a CRM, you can set reminder notes to contact him and assign deadlines and goals. This way, you can clearly check the progress of the follow-up by going online and looking at the customer record. This is particularly beneficial as your boss grows and you struggle to keep up with the increased flow of tasks.

Manage all documents in one place

When you have a client, you generally have dozens of documents and it is not easy to classify, retrieve or even share them with your colleagues. With a good CRM, documents can be easily organized into folders and can be easily shared with colleagues, deleted, archived or modified.

Automation of marketing functions

You might think that marketing actions are not the core of your business and marketing is not worth doing, since you have many other things to do on a daily basis. However, you need to "make noise" to keep your firm in front of potential clients, so when they need a legal team and advice, they will think of you first. With a good CRM you can easily automate marketing actions so they don't take up a lot of time. For example, it will save you time for prospecting and allow you to reach more potential customers on a consistent basis.

Follow every interaction and understand all aspects of customer engagement

If you are a manager, not only do you need to improve your day-to-day work and the way you handle cases, but you also need to grow your firm, ensure that you and your team transform potential clients into clients, and that you retain these clients. . With a CRM you can analyze customer service and monitor the activities of your team. It will give you real-time information about the communication between your client and the firm.

What do we do at Effigy specifically for law firms?

There are many types of CRM for each type of industry, therefore, in your firm, not just any tool will work for you.

At Effigy we tailor our efforts to find answers specific to law firms. We have created a "vertical" dedicated to helping various law firms improve their businesses.

Files dedicated to specific cases

Effigy naturally allows you to add a link between an identity (contact / company) and a file. There are different types of possible relationships between an identity and a folder: Legal references, Role in the case, reference to the invoice…. Effigy created a specific legal module so everything is predefined automatically. You save a lot of time by not doing legal values ​​and work that is normally time consuming.

Time coding

In our specific solution for law firms, time coding is done for billing purposes. At Effigy we have created the 'stopwatch'. The stopwatch is a feature developed for the legal profession. It allows all CRM users to accurately measure the time spent on a specific action. The user who wants to record the time clicks the "play" button on the timer. When the user has finished the task to be measured, he clicks on the "Stop" button. The counter stops and a new action open. The user can, of course, later modify the time spent, link a project, a contact, a company….

CTI integration

Directly related to the previous point we have the CTI integration. Customized CTI integration for law firms defines the management of telephone calls made. A timer action is generated at the end of a call, recording the time of the call (taking into account the numeric and duration).

Timesheet or Timesheet

The timesheet is the «time coding form», which centralizes, for each user, the time worked in a file. Several fields are included:

  • It is necessary to indicate a "file" in which to impute the service. A drop-down list shows the last folders viewed by the user.
  • The "time" on a "file" must be indicated. This one follows the 6 minute rule.
  • The description of the activity is mandatory.

Here is some information that is also "auto-populated" when the file is added:

  • The language of the file allows the lawyer to know in which language to write the descriptions.
  • The file reference


We have created a billing module for lawyers with several objectives:

  • Allow the generation of the final invoice, with the details of the services, according to the user.
  • Simple management of fees, disbursements and external costs
  • A process to verify and validate invoice documents
  • Volume billing
  • The generation of credit notes
  • Optional integration with an accounting system

The need for a CRM solution is growing rapidly in the legal ecosystem. Growing law firms can no longer afford to ignore the need for a central place to manage all firm relationships.

