Our partners have developed the platform to encompass all cell based assay needs and technologies. These scientists possess expertise with primary cells and transformed cell lines. Complete your cell engineering projects in far less time by collaborating with the custom biology services team. cell based assays https://www.amerigoscientific.....com/cell-based-assay

Cell Based Assays - Amerigo Scientific

Cell Based Assays - Amerigo Scientific

Amerigo offers a comprehensive portfolio of cell-based assays to fit your research needs and complete your cell engineering projects in far less time.

In pharmaceutical industry, developing drug leads demands a higher level of specialized support and expertise. Amerigo Scientific offers comprehensive solutions to facilitate your drug discovery with high efficiency, by integrating resources around the world. Our spectrum of catalog products and custom reagent services can meet all your needs in the target identification and validation stage. According to your needs, experts in screening, profiling, and custom assay development provide support before, during, and after your experiments. drug discovery https://www.amerigoscientific.....com/drug-discovery-s

Drug Discovery Services - Amerigo Scientific

Drug Discovery Services - Amerigo Scientific

Amerigo offers comprehensive solutions to facilitate your drug discovery with high efficiency, by integrating resources around the world.
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