Common Cybersecurity Threats

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The world of cybersecurity is always changing, which means staying informed is important for individuals and businesses alike.

Phishing is an online scam where cybercriminals pose as trusted sources, like banks, to trick people into revealing sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers. They use convincing messages, urging recipients to click malicious links or share personal details. This info is then used for fraudulent activities.

How to Prevent It: To protect your business from phishing, train your team to spot suspicious emails. Encourage double-checking before clicking links or sharing sensitive info.

This refers to harmful software created by cyber criminals to damage or gain unauthorized access to computers or networks. It can come in various forms, like viruses, worms, or spyware.

How to Prevent It: Make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date and be cautious when opening unfamiliar emails or clicking on unfamiliar links. Regularly updating your computer’s software and being mindful of what you download also helps keep malware at bay.

This malicious software locks or encrypts an organization’s files or computer system. The attacker then demands a payment (“ransom”) in exchange for a decryption key to restore access.

How to Prevent It: Regularly back up your important data and keep those backups separate from your main network. Make sure your employees are well-informed about the risks, and keep your security software up-to-date.

These are threats that come from employees or contractors within a business, such as employees or contractors, who may accidentally or intentionally cause harm. This could involve sharing sensitive information, accessing unauthorized data, or sabotaging systems.

How to Prevent It: Implement strict access controls, conduct thorough background checks, and provide ongoing security training. Encouraging trust and open communication can also help identify potential risks early on.

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