What is the best tool for security testing of a web application?

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Following are some of the best tools for security testing of a web application: 


1. Acunetix: This tool helps in securing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), web applications and websites. It can easily detect several web vulnerabilities such as Cross Site Scripting (XSS) etc. The DeepScan crawler feature of this tool can scan AJAX-heavy client-side SPAs and HTML5 websites. Discovered vulnerabilities can be exported by users to issue trackers such as GitHub, Atlassian JIRA etc.  

2. W3af: It is one of the most popular web application security testing frameworks. It comes with both a console interface and GUI. Vulnerabilities can be identified and exploited by developers and penetration testers in web applications using this tool. PHP misconfigurations, guessable credentials, unhandled application errors etc., are some of the security issues that can be handled by this tool. 

 3. Wfuzz: It is a web application security fuzzer tool. Security testers who are interested in using this tool should work on the command line interface. This tool is specifically designed so that the activity of brute forcing can be done. Some of the key features of this tool are SOCK support, proxy support, multithreading, cookies fuzzing, output to HTML etc. 

 4. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP): It is an open-source, web application security testing tool that was developed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It is used on operating systems that support Java 8. Several security vulnerabilities can be found using this tool. This tool is an ideal tool for functional testers and developers.    

 5. Invicti: It is an accurate, automatic and easy-to-use web application security scanner. Security issues in web services, web applications and websites can be automatically identified using this tool. A proof of concept is produced by its proof-based scanning methodology to confirm that there are no false positives. Full HTML5 support, vulnerability assessment, HTTP request builder, SDLC integration, advanced web scanning is some of the features of this tool.  
