The Smart Homeowner's Checklist for All Things HVAC Repair

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Owning your own home is one of the best joys of ****lthood, but maintaining a home

Owning your own home is one of the best joys of adulthood, but maintaining a home comes along with many headaches as well. An important aspect to living in a comfortable home is having an HVAC system that is working properly. The ability to change your heating and cooling preferences indoors while maintaining proper air quality filtration and ventilation all hinge on this system working at its full potential.

A functioning and well maintained air conditioning and heating unit not only makes your home life comfortable, but it can save you money as well. When you are in need of immediate HVAC repair there are many factors to be considered. Here is a quick checklist with five tips to help you make smart decisions regarding your HVAC needs.

1. Complete regular maintenance on your unit.

All air conditioning and heating units operate best when they are regularly maintained. For example, it is usually recommended to check your air filters each month to ensure proper air quality and ventilation and to prevent a build up of dust and dirt in the unit itself. Many issues can be prevented by following the owners manual on your unit and keeping up with simple monthly tasks.

2. Do seasonal check ups.

Along with changing the air filter each month it is also wise to have the unit serviced professionally before the winter and summer seasons. These are when your HVAC system will be run the hardest and many problems can occur. By being proactive and having a certified HVAC specialist come out regularly, you can avoid being stuck without AC during the summer or heat during the winter. These seasonal check ups are more involved and require the expertise of professionals. During these check ups a technician will check the electrical wiring, clean the drains and pipes, check the condenser, heater ignition, check for gas and air leaks, amongst other things.

3. Have your venting and air flow analyzed.

If you have noticed a decrease in cooling or heating capability in your home or if different rooms are at different temperatures consistently, you may need to have your ducts and vents looked at. Often times, air leaks can develop over time and this can lead to inconsistent air flow and make it difficult for your unit to maintain adequate temperatures. This can result in a waste of energy and put more wear and tear on your unit than necessary. A good HVAC repair service can send someone to inspect and fix any leaks you may have.

4. Have your air ducts cleaned.

A good cleaning is necessary every few years as dirt and dust can build up over time and cause clogs and blockages or even lead to more allergens and mold in your air. If you are someone who suffers from allergies or is susceptible to dust and mold, an air duct cleaning should be an absolute on your HVAC maintenance list.

5. Have your HVAC repairs completed by a reputable company.

Let's face it, even if you have meticulously followed the checklist above it is likely that sooner or later your HVAC unit will need repairs anyways. When the inevitable finally happens, do your research and find a reputable company that is certified to do all your hvac repair pawling and is rated highly. A great HVAC repair company should offer you a guarantee on their work and friendly and prompt service. Free evaluations and great customer service are two things to consider when choosing your repair service.
