Laser Dust Collector in Stock Repair Principles

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laser dust collector in stock

Laser Dust Collector in Stock repair:

1. Category

Equipment repair is an important means to ensure the integrity rate of the equipment and maintain the stable operation of the dust removal equipment. According to the degree of device damage repair, equipment repair is divided into small repair, medium repair and large repair; of which, small repair is usually merged into equipment maintenance.

1. Xiaoxiu

Small repair, also known as maintenance. Faced with the mild defects in the operation of the equipment, the repair project that can restore the technical performance can be restored by local repair measures, which is called small repair.

Sealing treatment of dust removal projects, the height and improvement of pulse spraying ash clearing devices, defect treatment of water leakage, air leakage, and oil leakage, the improvement and improvement of the local defects of mechanical transmission devices, local defect conditioning of the system, and so on.

2. Middle repair

The medium repair is based on the existing equipment structure, and the local component has adopted a large degree of repair or renovation projects for local components due to equipment wear, which is called medium repair.

Such as: the transformation of the ash out of the dust collector; the replacement project of the filter bag and its pulse clearing system, and so on.

3. Daxiu

Daxiu, due to equipment life or improvement of equipment performance. Facing the main components of the original dust removal equipment, replacement repair or new transformation projects are called large repair.

According to its large repair content, the large repair is divided into recovery and transformation.

The restoration of the restoration is allowed to be updated only by the original model and structural tissue; the transformation can be used to design and transform the engineering design and transformation according to the new technical organization.

The large -scale repair project is a construction project for fixed asset appreciation. The investment of its funds shall be approved in accordance with national regulations.

Such as: Laser Dust Collector in Stock all updates the large repair engineering of precipitated poles and electro -halo poles; long bags low -pressure pulse dust collector replacement filter bags, pulse blowing systems, and one -time repair projects of ash system; and so on.

laser dust collector in stock
