It's not easy to be the president's lover.

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It's not easy to be the president's lover.It's not easy to be the president's lover.It's not easy to be the president's lover.

For one thing, it cannot be confirmed that Xiao Chuang has heart disease; for another, Xiao Chuang's psychological burden is very heavy, so the doctor wants to comfort her. The heart of. If you can, bring the small gel and check it. It's more reassuring. Du Jiawen was worried and did not speak for a moment. Rest assured, now the medical science is so developed, even if the diagnosis of heart disease, in fact, there are many ways to cure. But because of the shadow of her mother and aunts, Xiao Chuang felt very deeply. Don't tell her that you will bring her to check regularly in the future. Window of dawn postpartum restores bad all the time, can be heart direction effect.. … ” Du Jiawen's heart sank slightly and asked carefully. "Shen Bi first discovered heart disease before giving birth, and since Xiao Chuang hasn't discovered it yet, there should be no problem." Tang Lao Although big is saying, but clear oneself also do not have the slightest assurance, tone is ambiguous. Du Jiawen's heart sank again and again. Suddenly he stood up and said, "I'll go and ask." The same is true of the question. What I told you originally is the conclusion. Only, because of Shen Bi and Dan Qing … … It's all thick The medical records,x60 line pipe, Shen Bi.. … When I went to see the doctor, I had already had the obvious symptoms of heart disease. At that time, I did not find any other problems, and there was a murmur in my heart. But Danqing. … She got shot before she was sent back.. … ,, Tang eldest brother said, his face showed a thoughtful look,321 stainless steel sheet, Du Jiawen asked nervously: "What happened later?"? "Later, she never recovered from her injuries, and no amount of medication was used.". Only then did I find out that the heart valve had changed. Thick. But by rights. … ” Du Jiawen's heart suddenly became irritable: "It is reasonable to say …" … But no matter how advanced modern medicine is, there are still many things that can't be explained. Is that a problem? "Yes, so the doctor himself can't tell, according to the most precise analysis of the instrument, he has told you.". Later These words, as a private.. … ” "I understand." Du Jiawen is a little heavy, "so, that is to say, it is possible that the little dew will inherit this disease, right?" ? "It would be good if we could get the case data of Xiang's previous generation." I went back to ask my father, 316 stainless steel plate ,x70 line pipe, maybe he would know a little, after all, he and Xiang Bihuai grew up together. Tang Xiangtian nodded: "Good.". I will also start to collect some information about the problem of Xiang's family disease. But in any case, regular inspection is still necessary. You … Take good care of Xiao Chuang and don't let her suffer. Otherwise, you can surrender your right to care for her. Rest assured, no one will be more suitable than me to have this right. Du Jiawen's eyes flashed slightly and looked at Tang Xiangtian's eyes. There are gods. Tang Xiangtian laughed and lowered his head and said no more. When I got back to my room, I saw Xiang Xiaochuang leaning on the back of the bed to read. The yellow light came down and made her skin as white as jade. It was almost transparent. Are you back? Now you're talking to Don's father. What are you talking about? Xiang Xiaochuang put down the book and covered it with his hand. A yawn. How to dress up to sleep first. Xiang Xiaochuang replied honestly, "I've already slept. When I woke up and saw that you weren't here, I lost my sleepiness for a while, so I took a book at random." Turn it over. Wait for me to accompany you. Although Du Jiawen was full of heavy worries, he warned himself not to let Xiang Xiaochuang notice. Holding her thin body, the sense of foreboding grew stronger. Du Jiawen felt a slight tremor in his heart. The nephrite in the bosom is warm and fragrant, seem to have apparent thin again, in the heart. Others can sit in confinement until their hearts are wide and their bodies are fat, but Xiang Xiaochuang's face is smaller than before she was pregnant. Originally Always bright red lips, and no longer as bright as before. Giving birth to a child can make you look like this. It's better not to give birth if you know it earlier. Du Jiawen encircled her and expressed himself. He was dissatisfied with his daughter. Xiang Xiaochuang laughed and said, "You are the one who likes children. How can you suddenly have such a feeling?"? I just didn't recover for a while. It's just that she lost a lot of blood during the birth. Am I not very good now? "Never give birth again …" … ” Du Jiawen said angrily, but hugged her more tightly. Xiang Xiaochuang suddenly stopped smiling and looked at Du Jiawen, but he was startled, just pretending to be a shameless smile. "She refused to see the flaw." What's the matter? She asked distinctly. Yes, why do you ask that? Du Jiawen decided not to admit it. The way you look, it's not like usual.. … ” Xiang Xiaochuang could not express his opinion for a while. "Is there something wrong with the company?" Question? Or how hard Don's dad is on you? "You can rest assured that the teeth are there." Du Jiawen breathed a sigh of relief. "Even if there is a little trouble in business, it will soon be settled.". Go to sleep You've had a long day. Xiang Xiaochuang promised, leaned against his arms, closed his eyes, and sighed faintly: "I don't know how to do it, since …" … After giving birth to a little dew, I always felt that I was not energetic enough, and I was afraid that I would not wake up after sleeping. Du Jiawen shook and immediately stretched out his arms to hold her tightly: "Don't talk nonsense!"! Xiang Xiaochuang turned over in his arms, as if to reach the watch on the bedside table, but with a slight stretch of his hand, he came back sideways. What's wrong with you today? Du Jiawen was secretly annoyed that his concern was chaotic, and he made a ha-ha: "It's nothing. It may have been highly praised by Boss Tang." Getting a little carried away. Xiang Xiaochuang pursed his lips and smiled. "As for that?" "Of course, as for him, he is your father." Du Jiawen drawled his voice and watched Xiang Xiaochuang fall asleep with a shallow smile, but he stared in the dark without any sleepiness. Volume 2 Chapter 75 National Swimming (Words in this chapter: 2352 Updated: 2009-10-30 15:28:00) After lingering in New York for half a month, Xiang Xiaochuang's health improved, and Du Jiawen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps,x56 line pipe, just the doctor is too cautious to worry, so sophisticated instruments have not been checked out, Xiang Xiaochuang should not have.
