The Most Powerful Medical Concubine of Di Kuang

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The Most Powerful Medical Concubine of Di KuangThe Most Powerful Medical Concubine of Di Kuang

"A very important thing." Old Guogong had a straight face, but the way he pulled his hand into his arms and did not take it out was a little funny. Grandpa, you say, Hanyu, listen. Wen Hanyu took a look, and since it was a very important thing, she had to listen carefully. This matter, ah, should be your mother or your grandmother or your grandmother to tell you, but they are not here, this matter to perilla that girl I do not trust, so I this old bone to fight. Old Guogong's hand still did not come out of his bosom. Wen Hanyu is very curious, perilla is the person that too grandpa trusts again, still too grandpa does not trust the thing that gives perilla? Grandpa, what on earth is it? Can you stop turning the corner? Wen Hanyu stared at Lao Guogong's bosom, "or Grandpa, what are you going to show Hanyu?" "Clever!" Old Guogong gave Wen Hanyu a thumbs-up, and now he finally pulled his hand out of his bosom. What he pulled out was an old book with a damaged cover and yellowed pages. Only the back cover of the book was facing Wen Hanyu,Blowing Filling Capping combiblock, and she did not know what kind of book it was. What kind of book can grandpa keep close to his body like a treasure? The old man said again, "This book was given to your grandmother by her mother before she married me. I haven't been willing to throw away any of the things she left behind. This book is well collected, but I didn't expect to use it again one day. It's all your mother's fault for leaving early." "The book for me?" Wen Hanyu is more curious. Of course, I can't use this book with my old bones. Old Guogong said, finally willing to hand the book to Wen Hanyu. As soon as the book was handed over to Wen Hanyu, the old man leaned on his leading stick and walked out quickly with his head held high. As he walked, he said,PET bottle Mold, "All right, good Hanyu, you can read it slowly. If you don't understand it, you can see it yourself until you understand it. You learn. I'll let the two girls, Perilla and Qingkui, come in and comb your hair after a cup of tea." The book is written and handed down to Wen Hanyu. When she turned over the writing and saw the four words written on it, she knew why the old Guogong had left in a hurry and why he had just said so. It was really something she didn't understand even if she gave it to Perilla, and it was also a book that Grandpa really couldn't use any more. Four words in writing-the secret of Fangshu. Wen Hanyu was stunned and wanted to laugh. She was not a serious lady of the ancient boudoir. She knew about these men and women, but no one knew that she knew. But she really doesn't know the details. So she opened the book with great interest. Looking at the content that is not only drawn but also written appropriately, Wen Hanyu has a serious face. Unexpectedly, Grandpa and Grandma were such a hot couple when they were young. Uh Which move in this book can she use on Ah Yue tonight? What old man cart, vulgar, can not write a little more elegant? No, liquid bottle filling machine ,Blowing Filling Capping combiblock, it's not a good move for her, is it? Pass. When perilla and green sunflower came back into the tent, Wen Hanyu just turned over the whole book, and she took her hand into her arms, thinking about reading it again later. A Li was dragged to the "marriage room" of Qiao Yue and Wen Hanyu by the old Guogong. Old Guogong looked at Ali with a smile and said, "The little girl is clever. Help the old man to have a look. What else is missing from the wedding room?" The spacious tent was covered with red silk on all sides, Qiao Yue's tables for dealing with affairs were placed with red candles and wine lamps, the various topographic maps hanging on the walls of the tent were taken away, and the sand table on which the mountains and rivers were written was removed, and the narrow rattan bed disappeared, replaced by a rattan bed, but it was too big. Ali felt that even if there were ten people lying on it, it would not be a problem! The most important thing was that the red Mandarin ducks playing in the water, the bedding and the pillows were all surprisingly close to the bed, which was obviously prepared by Lao Guogong. Around the big rattan bed, there were layers of floor-dragging red gauze hanging from the top of the curtain. Standing outside the curtain, you could see people in the curtain, but you could only see shadowy figures. Ali had never seen such a wedding room. He looked at these floor-dragging gauze curtains again and again, and asked Lao Guo justice curiously: This red gauze curtain is very beautiful, but what is it used for? "Hehehe.." The old man touched his beard and said proudly, "The little girl doesn't understand, does she?" Although he didn't understand, he knew that his wife liked to do this when she was young. He thought his baby Hanyu would like it. No, I'm sure I will. Li curled his lips and did not ask again. Instead, he continued to look at the jubilantly decorated and greatly changed military tent. He found that there were shelves for clothes, copper basins for water, and other things, big or small, in the tent. He couldn't help feeling that the old Guogong was really thoughtful about everything. Old timer, I don't think there's anything missing. Ali said as he watched. Old Guogong nodded, "I think so." "Then why did you come to see me?" "Let your little girl praise my old man for being able to decorate this broken curtain so delicately and beautifully!" “……” The auspicious time is at noon. Because the old Guogong does not let Qiao Yue first Wen Hanyu step into the marriage account, Qiao Yue can only choose other places to take care of themselves. And because the old Guogong let him have to clean himself up, he still chose to stay in the general's office in Glycoside City, after all, it is convenient to wash here. Qin Bin volunteered to boil water for him, while his men carried water for him, and the medical officers were divided into two groups, one to help Qiao Yue clean up, the other to help Mei Liang clean up. Help Mei Liang clean up is Qiao Yue's meaning, Qiao Mo in Wucheng now can't get back, his little uncle is his only relative in this city, can't his big day,PET blowing machine, his little uncle is still a mess. Of course, the medical officers have never stopped disliking the rags embroidered with pig's head on his body since they saw Mei Liang. As a result, Mei Liang was also forced to clean his body by the medical officers.
