What Online Marketing Channels should I consider in my strategy

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The concept of Online Marketing is the same as Marketing in any other channel. What happens with the Internet is that it is a channel with very specific characteristics, both functional and technical, in constant and rapid evolution.

Online marketing is the integration of simultaneous strategies on the web, through a specific process and methodology, in search of clear objectives using various tools, platforms and social media.

It is difficult for a single strategy to lead to success for an Internet Business. Normally you have to define and implement an Online Marketing strategy at various levels or even choose the most appropriate strategy for each product or service.

Let's understand "online marketing channels" as the tactics that you can have to develop your internet strategy, your online marketing mix.

There are multiple Online channels, such as: creation of a sales-oriented website, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (PPC-SEM), registration and advertising in directories, banners, Blogs, Social Networks , viral marketing, RSS….

Generally Online Marketing channels are classified as follows:


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  1. SEM: Search Engine Marketing
  2. SEO: Search Engine Optimization
  3. Rich media
  4. Email Marketing
  5. Affiliates
  6. Directories
  7. SMM: Social Media Marketing
  8. SMO: Social Media Optimization
  9. Offline Media

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The optimization of our website for search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, will ensure that users who are carrying out searches related to the keywords of your business can find you before the competition.

SMM (Social Media Marketing)

It is the process of driving traffic to a website with the help of social media. It's the ideal social media mix strategy for every brand. Here we find Social Networks, Blogs, Microblogging, Video Marketing, Podcast, among others.

  • Blogs. Not only will you get quality traffic by creating your own blog, but by participating in the conversation on other blogs that deal with topics related to your market.
  • At the moment the importance of video is such that YouTube is the 3rd most visited website in the world after Google and Facebook, so you cannot waste this channel for generating traffic to your website.
  • Social Networks. You must be present to take advantage of the traffic flows that they can provide, in addition to generating the appropriate "connection" with your market.

SMO (Social Media Optimization)

The optimization of our social networks in search of increasing positioning in them, through the connection, profiles, content, applications, RSS, participation in groups, forums or blogs, etc.

SEM (Serarch Engine Marketing)

In addition to placing us in good positions in the search results of certain keywords, you can also run pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns that place you in the sponsored results of the search engine.

Rich media

You can also promote yourself on the internet through the hiring of advertising space on pages, magazines or electronic directories, through banners, pop up, etc. Take care that they have considerable traffic and that your market actually goes to these sites. It is generally another style of PPC.

Email Marketing

Once you start building your subscriber list, you will have the power in your hand to generate waves of traffic to your website, creating pre-sale, loyalty and promotion campaigns. Remember that Email Marketing must be based on "permission marketing" to not be considered SPAM and to obtain real results from these campaigns.


Another way to get traffic is to have other people who are willing to promote your products or services on their own websites or contact lists. The world on the internet is too wide to do all the work by yourself, look for allies and form an online sales group.


Connecting your website to various directories on the internet is also important to attract traffic to your website. Depending on the business sector, you can do a search for specialized directories and have a presence in those with the highest traffic.

Offline Media

Online media are also ideal for your web positioning, include your social media and website in your promotional material, institutional stationery and in all the print advertising you do. Give them a special and important place in it.


An integrated online marketing plan contains a suitable mix of all these channels, focusing your efforts on your website or blog, driving traffic to it and generating subscribers who must be loyal and then sell through email marketing campaigns.

In my experience isolated online efforts, such as managing social media without an optimized and subscription-ready website, end up being unsuccessful.

