Getting Your Body Back In Shape: Fitness Tips You Can Use

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A lot of people think that getting fit is something that is impossible to do. It doesn't have to be difficult or painful. All you need to do is make some lifestyle changes that can boost overall fitness levels and help you reach your goals.

Getting fit can be a big life change, Wellquest Medical and Wellness especially if you have never done it before. Even if you are used to a fitness routine, sometimes it can get somewhat boring and you need a change. Here are a few tips for both the beginner and the experienced fitness aficionado who wants to jump-start their fitness routine.


Give yourself the gift of accountability by signing up for a fitness class at your local gym. By having a place, time and people who you can count on, you will be more likely to stick with it. It becomes something that you look forward to and have fun doing.

If you're a runner and you run often, you're going to want to replace your running shoes roughly ever 400-500 miles. That may seem like a lot, but if you're running on a regular basis those miles add up quickly. This is to insure that your shoes remain comfortable and aren't causing you blisters or leaving you prone to twisting your ankle.

As a population we have generally become lazy. If a car will get us there, in the car we go. A good fitness tip is to forgo the wheels and go on foot. Perhaps you need to go to the gas station a half mile away for milk, then you should walk. Another good idea is to park farther away at places like the grocery store, and force yourself to walk a few yards. This will get a little bit of exercise in where before there was none.

If you're trying to bulk up, start out by going until you can't go anymore and then having two cups of chocolate milk. Sounds simple, but a group of those just beginning were studied and it was found that training "to failure" caused a weight gain of 5 pounds in 2 months, but only if followed by a supplement.

Keep yourself motivated by trying new activities and classes. Try taking on something you've never done before. Consider taking a boxing class or learning yoga. Maybe you've always wanted to ballroom dance. Give it a try, you can never have too many ways to keep your body moving and active.

Pack a pair of comfortable shoes and a change of clothes in your car or briefcase. You'll always have the ability to switch out your dress clothes for clothes suitable for walking or perhaps even running. That way you can take the time to walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walk to lunch instead of driving, and maybe even take a quick run.

A good, and easy exercise to try when getting into better physical shape is walking. Walking at a fast pace for fifteen to twenty minutes a day can quickly impact your fitness goals. If you stroll for thirty minutes, you can have a similar impact to your body, it will just be more gradual.

After a particularly strenuous workout of a muscle group, you can help your body to recover from the stress by performing a lightly targeted workout of the affected muscles one day after. By gently engaging the muscle, you are helping it to repair itself faster by enabling your body to more efficiently deliver nutrients and blood to the area.

When exercising in sets, make sure to take some time out to stretch in between them. Try to stretch a good 20 to 30 seconds between each stretch. This can not only keep the muscles you just worked limber, but it can help increase overall strength by maximizing the benefits of each set.

You can build up your physical strength through the use of lighter weights. Your muscles will have just as much force as when you lift heavier weights, except you will be going much slower. These are especially great for bench-presses. Go with about 40-60% of what you usually lift and do 8 sets of 12 repetitions pushing the weight up quickly. Have a 30 second rest period between sets.

Avoid using the treadmill to warm-up with before you engage in your weight training. Instead, opt for a warm-up that will actually work the muscles that you will be using for lifting the weights. To do a full body warm-up that accomplishes this, use a bar and perform two sets of 10 reps of squats, bench-presses, dead-lifts, etc.

Whether you are maintaining your health or trying to shed some weight, it is important to keep your mind focused only on the positive aspects of your fitness program. Do not view your daily job or rigorous training session as a punishment; you will start to resent it early on. Instead, try to visualize your fitness routine as a privilege and a support system in your journey.

When playing football, a great tip to help you get open for a pass is to run as close as you can get to your defender. This is because as you get closer, it becomes easier to run past him to get open. As you get closer to him, you should shorten your strides without decreasing your speed. This will assist you in cutting quicker.

When going to the gym or working out, you should have the mentality to get bigger and increase the amount of sets and repetitions than the previous day. This will lead to you being stronger and you will also have much more endurance than when you had first started.

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When you are doing crunches, push your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth. Doing so forces you to straighten out your neck, preventing any chances of neck injury. This also helps to decrease neck fatigue, and allows you to increase the amount of crunches you are able to do in one sitting.
